With the command and folder structure given so far, you’ll end up with all three modules (and their required dependencie

Author : ohamzah
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 11:41:58

By forcing you to consider the actual structure of your workspace and how different projects relate to each other, this change is also helping you improve the internal organization of your work.

By creating workspaces, you specifically tell NPM where your packages will live, and because the new version 7 client is workspace-aware, it will properly install dependencies, without duplicating the common ones.

This feature is very useful when using other registries, as well. For example, a Bit component, (an independent component shared on Bit’s component hub), can be shared between multiple projects managed in a single NPM Workspace. This can be used to get immediate feedback (see if anything breaks) from multiple projects when a modification is made to a shared component.

You can think of them as a way to share packages between projects inside a pre-defined and common context. We’re not talking about fully generic packages and a single download location for everything. Because while that would indeed solve the problem of duplicating modules over and over again, this solution also gives you the ability to control which projects we’re sharing our modules with.






d act like sisters in some way. Our relationship was hot and cold. We gave each other chickenpox because we just couldn’t keep away, only to stop speaking for months altogether for some ridiculous reason. We’d be best friends, and then we’d give each other the cold shoulder.

You can see how the JSON files for each API folder only really differ on their name and their dependencies. The same goes for the core folder, where we declare Express as their main shared dependency:

How do we achieve this? Once you understand how it works, the configuration process is actually quite straightforward. The point here is that you need to define a package.json file at the root level (inside the REST-APIS folder) where you declare the workspaces. With that ready, all you have to do is create one package.json inside each individual project, and declare their required dependencies there.

That is all you need, you can, of course, define other properties, but for the purposes of this new feature, the “workspaces” key is all you need. Inside of it, you can define (as you can see in the example) a list of paths (with the included wildcard format as well) that reference the folders where your workspaces will live.

Each of these alternatives had their own version of a solution, but the gist of it was that they would save all modules inside a shared folder, which made it easier for all projects to share packages with each other. With the latest release of NPM and the creation of Arborist (the new project containing the logic responsible for traversing and analyzing the directory tree of the modules inside the npm_modules folder), we got an official response to this approach: Workspaces.

Essentially, we’re saying that we’re going to be working on a set of REST APIs, where the actual code for each of them will be inside the “apis” workspace, and the generic code and shared packages will be inside the “core” workspace.

Heck no! Workspaces aren’t just about a configuration change, they require you to structure your projects differently. So no, you can’t just run an npm command and normalize 10 projects at once. You can, however, after some re-thinking of their all structure, and the correct configuration changes, re-install the dependencies of 10 (or more) projects into a single place, allowing you to de-duplicate everything. And if you ask me, this is truly a huge improvement!

Mind you, this is not a brand new concept either, other package managers such as Yarn and pnpm had already provided their own versions. So you can say that this is just the official flavor of workspaces.

Logistic regression is similar to linear regression but is used to model the probability of a discrete number of outcomes, typically two. At a glance, logistic regression sounds much more complicated than linear regression, but really only has one extra step.

We can now run npm install from the root folder and what do you think will happen? It will install everything each of these workspaces requires inside a generic node_modules folder. And because of that, repeated dependencies will not be duplicated.

There are lots of articles out there covering what workspaces are, but the examples they provide were of no help to me, so here is one that hopefully, is more relatable to a Node.js developer.

Catagory :general