With time, the applications will be built for this new chip and things will improve but overall I haven’t been affected

Author : 2sofia
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 07:31:12

As compared to the other books on this list, How not be wrong addresses the hidden mathematics of many everyday life statistics sometimes with sound mathematical equations and theorems. Those that we hear in politics, on fear-mongering TV, and in “scientific journals” which are at the first look correct and certified by oxford. It talks in detail about various methods of measurement of probability and likelihood, terms of comparison, Law of large numbers, and the meaning of numbers brought back from various real-life scenarios. Opening with Survivorship bias, the books gets interesting and more interesting until your heart rate rises and it ends with you feeling lonely that the book is over and wishing there was more.

Udacity courses are cool but did you ever try not being stressed and loving the living devil out of learning for work? Last week I made a dapper presentation about some key insights into (a secret) current situation of the factory to my Boss who has no eye in the field of analytics but a lot of experience in planning how to run a factory. I would have paid good coin to see the look on his face which told me “I’m one hundred percent listening, this curve makes so much sense and this presentation is not at all boring”. Turns out, there is a lot more to the field of analytics than just being really good at math and understanding data. This part is obviously that which generalizes the results to non-experts in data science or economics and makes insights usable by people who have that power to make decisions.

Malcolm Gladwell never disappoints. He is a good journalist and a great storyteller. At the end of reading a Gladwell book, you may or may not have learnt something new, but you will definitely collect some proofs for what you already knew. He puts lay-man data analytics on tens of social situations until you can nod your head only in the direction of agreement. It convinces you that you are not good enough but great, and gets your proof with data science from the most random places on earth. If you ask the correct questions, there are answers everywhere. This is what you will learn from the book.

Sharma joined TurnersHacks after she discovered her love of computer science in class, and wanted other students in her community to have the same opportunity. She remembers the relief she felt when she saw a years-worth of planning in action.

Malcolm Gladwell never disappoints. He is a good journalist and a great storyteller. At the end of reading a Gladwell book, you may or may not have learnt something new, but you will definitely collect some proofs for what you already knew. He puts lay-man data analytics on tens of social situations until you can nod your head only in the direction of agreement. It convinces you that you are not good enough but great, and gets your proof with data science from the most random places on earth. If you ask the correct questions, there are answers everywhere. This is what you will learn from the book.

Dr. Kara Brisson-Boivin, director of research at MediaSmarts, an Ottawa-based digital literacy non-profit, says stereotypes about young people not caring about their use of technology are “completely untrue.”





















ks with Abhinav, he pointed out that wherever the cows had dropped their dung, the grass around it had grown in thick clusters. It was indeed true! There were clumps of grass sticking out in different parts of the meadow. Suddenly I remembered the thick grass clusters I had seen in childhood but never thought about the phenomenon. How oblivious we are of the subtle workings of nature.

Factfulness is strong. It is the project of a man who made it his life’s work. Like literally, Hans Rosling wrote it while he was on his death bed. It was LITERALLY the last thing he chose to do before he left the planet. It points a finger at all the fear-mongering news channels and hate-mongering politics and proves them wrong by showing that numbers, actually say that we are doing quite well as a planet and species. There is hope. There is in fact not just hope but a million reasons to celebrate. You will learn here how to show the full picture so that people can decide whether to be happy or sad at the happenings. On a global scale, turns out it is not that obvious what is “good”.

“I can’t tell you how many times young people have demonstrated to us an in-depth self-awareness and meaningful reflection on their use of technology, more so than adults,” she says. “I think youth are way more in tune with how they’re using technology, how much … in what ways and how it’s impacting them.”

Levitt is an eccentric economist and Dubner is a witty journalist. Needless to say, Freakonomics is a controversially delightful book. Levitt chooses the most random-arse topics on the planet to apply data science to. Why? In the words of George Mallory, “because it is there”.

We behave differently when people are watching and when people are not watching. The tone of the book is outright “spray-spit your drink funny!”. Just from the topics Davidowitz chooses to write about, such as brutally honest questions people type into google. It might reinforce some stereotypes such as whether men or women are more interested in pleasing the opposite sex orally (umm, if you know what I mean), and whether we vote like we say we do, and how different age groups fare in priorities at different stages in life. This book is pure humor masquerading as science.

Starting at 7 a.m. on a warm June day, Hazel Sharma was in a Peel high school cafeteria filled with young hackers. As a member of the team that organized the 2018 hackathon at Turner Fenton Secondary School in Peel, Sharma had spent the morning running between tables of high school students, all intensely concentrated on their projects.

Sharma and her peers are part of Gen Z, the generation of people born after 1996 and aged roughly 8 to 23. Gen Z are the first truly “digital native” generation — meaning they’ve grown up with little to no memory of a world before smartphones and social media.

It was the TurnerHacks hackathon — named after Turner Fenton Secondary — and the task was simple: make an innovative project using technology, called a “hack” in just 12 hours. The best one wins.

Thinking fast and slow is a brilliant book on cognitive biases written by noble prize winning economist Daniel Kahnemann. As an analyst, it is not just enough to know numbers but also what your client would choose given all the options, therefore how to package information not just report it. It tells a lot about our emotional tendencies as primates which clearly surpass our logic halves the brain. If it is of any consolation, you will learn the next time you make an illogical choice, that you are predisposed by evolution to do so, and may be, if you’re smart enough, will choose otherwise.

Catagory :general