Work habits that have the potential to increase diabetes risk

Author : nicolegarabag6
Publish Date : 2021-04-02 12:59:42

Routines that are carried out at work can affect health conditions, including the risk of diabetes. Of course there are several factors that can cause this to happen.
Then, what factors in the job can be associated with diabetes risk? The following reviews are summarized from various sources.
Sedentary means less active movement and too much sitting. There has been a lot of data saying that a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity are closely related to an increased risk of diabetes.

One of them was reported in the journal Medicine and Sport Science which showed those who did not meet the recommendations for physical activity had a 1.4-fold risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This can be a threat to office workers who generally always sit while working.

Reducing the time to sit and replace it with light physical activity seems to reduce the risk of health problems that can arise. So, start a routine of standing and stretching while working.

You can also choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator, hold meetings standing up, use the toilets on different floors, and take breaks for light walking. In addition, take the time to exercise at least 150 minutes each week.
The amount of time spent in the work environment can also affect diet, including increasing snacking habits. In fact, the snacks available at the office may not be a healthy choice.

The more often you see or find snacks and unhealthy foods around, a person will also tend to eat them more. Plus the pressure that arises at the office sometimes makes stress and encourages unhealthy eating patterns.

For that, it is important to build a healthy diet while working. Start by making a regular meal schedule, including snacking time and if possible arrange a menu of meals and snacks at the start of the week by choosing a healthier menu.
Prepare healthy snacks at the office, such as fruit and nuts, avoid storing unhealthy snacks, try to bring lunch from home by increasing the portion of vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat protein sources. Small but useful tips, avoid eating while on the move to avoid overeating.

No less important is to be aware of sugary drinks that are high in sugar, such as milk coffee. Many people work while drinking coffee, even though most coffee contains high sugar and of course calories.

Be alert, data according to the journal Current Diabetes report shows that those who consume 1-2 servings of high-sugar drinks per day have a 26% higher risk of developing diabetes. But take it easy, now there is Tropicana Slim Avocado Coffee which is formulated without sugar so it is safe for diabetes and suitable for dieting.

Causes of the Body Often Limp and Lack of Energy
Body weakness and lack of energy can indeed happen to anyone. When this happens, many people think that overly busy activities are the cause.
In fact, body weakness is not necessarily caused by fatigue, activities, but it can be due to the wrong lifestyle. Launching Verywellmind, here are 5 things that often cause the body to feel weak and have no energy.

1. Lack of Sleep
Not only makes you sleepy, lack of sleep also causes fatigue. Some busy people often experience sleep deprivation. In fact, getting enough sleep is an important thing to support body productivity. Therefore, start getting into the habit of sleeping 7-8 hours a day so that the body can regain energy.

2. Stress and Depression

Apart from lifestyle, mental health can also cause the body to become tired. Stress and depression are often believed to cause disorders of mood-regulating chemicals or neurotransmitters in the brain.
People who are stressed or depressed usually tend to have problems with sleep and energy. Some of them often have difficulty sleeping at night or otherwise sleep too long, even losing their appetite. As a result, depression makes people feel weak and lose energy for activities.

3. Disease

Some people with diseases such as heart disease, hepatitis, or diabetes are said to be more prone to fatigue. Heart disease, for example, the ineffective way the heart works in pumping blood has an impact on the flow of oxygen in the body. As a result, the body is often tired and lacks energy.

Meanwhile, diabetes has an impact on how the body works to produce insulin. Lack of insulin production often causes the body to feel thirsty, urinate frequently or have blurred vision. These symptoms are also the reason the body is tired all the time.

4. Treatment Effects

Body fatigue can also be caused by the influence or side effects of drugs. Some of the drugs are frequent causes

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