Yin Yoga for Skateboarders

Author : jahmil
Publish Date : 2020-11-10 01:08:17

The secret to skateboarding is a skill and a versatile, stretchable body. You cannot become a successful skater without the other. And while skill is learned, mastered, and applied with constant practice, a strong and stretchable body is attained in many ways. One of these is using yoga for skateboarders called yin yoga.

Yin yoga is defined as the practice of yoga using long, slow, static stretches that are often performed on the floor. Most yin yoga poses are held anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes.

Yin yoga is not new and in fact, it has been cited in a text on Hatha Yoga saying that there are 15 poses that one must make. Almost half of these 15 asanas are performed while in a seated position and hold for a very long time.

In yin yoga, aesthetics is not important, and attaining the actual position or pose is not important. It is easy to follow the different yin yoga asanas as these are very simple. All the poses are based on the natural movement of the human body.

How yin yoga helps skateboarders

Almost every skateboarder who uses yin yoga reported that this has done wonders for their performance. Those who have been practicing yin yoga for a long time say that it has helped them perform the hardest routines as they have attained good flexibility.

Some people claim that yin yoga has improved their balance and you need balance to come up with difficult moves. An expert on yoga and skateboarding says that yin yoga works because it targets the connective tissues and thus, you'll become stronger, have a better range of motion, and healthier ligaments and tendons when you practice yin yoga regularly.

How to perform simple yin yoga poses

Yin yoga is great for beginner yoga enthusiasts. Don't worry if you have never done this before as you will surely follow the different poses without any difficulty. Also, yin yoga can be done in any space as long as you can stretch your legs out, that's fine. You can perform yin yoga indoors or outdoors but we recommend taking this activity outdoors where there are fresh air, silence, and peace.

You will need the following

  • Floor space to stretch out, this can be indoors or outdoors
  • A small pillow
  • A handy timer
  • Music, use your headphones or earphones to listen


We'll be describing five top yin yoga poses that we think would most benefit skateboarders. Remember to hold each of the poses around a minute or two but if something hurts, slowly go back to a sitting position. Relax and breathe; you may close your eyes and surrender your body to the pose. And of course, remain still.

Squat on your toes

Sit with your hands and feet together. Sit as you tuck both your toes together and sit on your heel. Use the balls of the feet and not on your toes. Remain in this position for at least two minutes.

If you feel some pain or you can’t hold any longer, stand on your knees to relieve pressure on the toes. And when you think you’re ok, go back to the position. You can place a blanket under your keens if you feel uncomfortable.

Lean back and stretch

From the toe squat, sit on your feet (the bottom of the feet), and then slowly lean back. Now, this position will place a lot of stress on your ligaments and tendons but don’t worry as this will make these stronger. This may be an intense pose so just go for a minute on this one.

Lean all the way to your back

From the previous position, lean back from your hands, elbows, and finally, your back. You will feel sore on your thighs and back but this pose will help stretch the most important muscles needed for skateboarding.

But if you have a bad back, don’t overdo this pose. If you feel any kind of pain, come up and return to the previous position. 

Maintain the butterfly pose

As you finish leaning on your back, you will now pose like a butterfly with the bottom of your feet together in front and your knees to the sides. Bend forward and try to at least touch your feet with your forehead. Your spine will be rounded and your neck should be relaxed.

This position will enhance the wide ROM of your hips and back muscles. But if you feel pain in the neck or you feel very stressed, rest your elbows on your thighs and your hands should support your head.

Place your legs against the wall

Time to relax your body by ending the routine with your legs against the wall. Place a small pillow under your butt and keep this position for around five minutes.

Yin yoga also drains all stress and other bad stuff from the body. It is best done before practice and after a long day of skating and practicing.

Catagory :general