You can connect to their joys, successes, trials and tribulations. At the time it made me see my twenty odd years, since

Author : asim
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 20:39:45

For me, the main takeaway from Jan Koum’s story is that the biggest opportunities often lie in markets that don’t sound attractive. When the iPhone was launched in 2007, nobody in Silicon Valley wanted to build Android apps for the Indian market. But Jan Koum did, and his achievements can certainly be considered attractive.

You’ve probably heard about this concept a million times before, but it bears repeating: Use destructuring assignment where possible to display values and convey intent more clearly. When you access a list or an array by index values, you inadvertently hide your intent. Referencing values by a clear variable name assigned through destructuring assignment makes your code easier to read.

For me, the main takeaway from Jan Koum’s story is that the biggest opportunities often lie in markets that don’t sound attractive. When the iPhone was launched in 2007, nobody in Silicon Valley wanted to build Android apps for the Indian market. But Jan Koum did, and his achievements can certainly be considered attractive.

For example, when Koum was launching WhatsApp 1.0 — the status app — all of his friends told him that it was a good idea. Nobody told him they’d never use it. Perhaps they didn’t know themselves. Perhaps they didn’t want to insult him.

that as the number of open tabs mounts, so too does the amount of memory the browser hogs, leading to a potentially slower experience. Enter The Great Suspender. This extension will periodically — you guessed it — suspend inactive tabs so they no longer consume memory.

My dearest friend Bubloo gifted me a book on one of my trips to Scotland many years ago — One Day by David Nicholls. Whilst in this lockdown I have been thinking of this book since a few days now. I remember — once I started reading it I struggled to put it down. It was a most enjoyable read. I am anyways a sucker for not too mawkish romantic experiences. So this one was on point.

Now if you need to reference the name later, you will be doing so via a named variable vs. an index value. This works well for response data that you’ll likely know the structure of. As long as the person’s information is always in the same order, you can destructure and assign everything over and over again to avoid using index values.

The story begins in 1988 in Edinburgh. It is about two people who have just finished their university education and are tentatively getting ready to enter the real world — full of dreams, fears, aspirations, hopes and ambition. Armed with degrees. I felt a strong connect as this was roughly the time when Bubloo and I were finishing our university education in the UK. I graduated from Brunel University in the summer of 1989.

But, as Jan Koum has shown, that’s the classic good-is-the-enemy-of-great type of thinking. WhatsApp blew up because it catered to cohorts considered unsexy in Silicon Valley — the non-US, non-English-speaking, non-iPhone audience. If these users would have no value, Facebook wouldn’t have bought the app for $19 billion.

The narrator goes on to tell their stories over the next twenty years. Very creatively the tale is narrated in the context of one day each year in their lives — 15th July, St Swithins Day. The main characters — Dexter and Emma — go thru their lives without acknowledging their feelings for each other.

This is sloppy and hides intent if you ever reference it more than once. Referencing person[0] all over the place in your code will make it difficult to interpret what value that should be. There is a very simple fix for this that does not hide your intent and makes your code more readable. Simply assign this to a variable and, if possible, destructure the entire list into appropriately named variables as well. Let’s look at an example of putting this into practice:

With WhatsApp 2.0, Koum learned his lesson and relied on customer feedback alone. Group chats, image messages and “seen” statuses were all user ideas — implemented by Koum and his team. Users loved it, and that’s why WhatsApp grew exponentially and never had to invest a single penny into marketing.

In 2007, the world was primed to undergo a messaging revolution. Apple had just redefined the word ‘smartphone,’ and while most tech minds were zeroed in on exploring the capabilities of the new iPhone, Koum’s international experience showed him a bigger picture of SMS shortcomings — like ridiculously high costs, limited media support and unreliability.

In the example below, we have some data about a person on a list. This data includes basic information like the person’s name, age, and profession. Let’s assume for the sake of this example that this is part of a response we received back from a web request and that we’d have to parse multiple responses just like this. If we wanted to get the person’s name, we could simply access it by the index value:

Koum himself is an extremely humble person. He’s the type of guy to say “bless you” whenever someone in the audience sneezes during his keynote, and he’s quick to remind us that he owes a large part of his success to luck.

Catagory :general