Zillow Surfing Is the Escape We All Need Right Now Scrolling through real estate listings in far-flung destinations is a

Author : ahamzaayechitnc
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 08:37:06

Hence the news today is not the outcome of this election. If anything, the majority of the members of the European Parliament have today proved that they do not understand what a climate- or ecological emergency means. Or perhaps this majority has chosen not to understand this, chosen not to face the climate emergency. Or the catastrophic loss of biodiversity. This is unfortunately nothing new, this has been going on for decades. Empty words, empty declarations, empty “deals”, empty promises followed by action leading into a completely different direction.

Chances are that your graphic designer is overly polite and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, let alone insult you. After all — you’re paying her for her time (I hope). But trust me on this one: every time your designer tells you “no, that won’t work,” or “what if we do this instead,” or “I’ll have to think about that,” or even goes quiet for a few seconds, you’ve suggested something that makes perfect sense to you — “Why don’t we make the logo bigger, and put it in the corner? There’s plenty of space, right?” — but simultaneously illustrates your complete lack of understanding about anything design-related.

If our leaders were to adopt this version of CAP, we would have no chance of achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. We demand for our politicians to keep their promises and stop contradicting their supposed ambition with these destructive policies that have no place in our future.





















ing musical drama called Music, was cowritten by herself and children’s author Dallas Clayton. The film stars Kate Hudson, Maddie Ziegler, and Leslie Odom Jr. After release of the film’s trailer on November 19, 2020, many autistic individuals felt that the portrayal was not realistic and that the role played by Ziegler should have gone to an autistic actor.

We ask the people to stay with us and keep pushing. We ask the ones in power to stop pretending they care — or to get going in case they mean it. And we ask the media to wake up, to rise up to their responsibility. This result happened due to that media decided to stay silent, decided not to question proposals, not to challenge leaders, not to intervene, not to inform the public. And if the media continues down this dangerous road, they will lose their credibility among countless young people. And this is something we can not allow to happen as there is no future for democracy without a strong, independent free press.

It makes sense. You hired someone to design for you, not because you cannot use design tools, but because you do not understand the reasons why “designed things” look “good.” You think you understand — but you don’t. And that’s fine.

It’s fine in exactly the same way as to how you don’t know why your house doesn’t collapse. You think you know, but ask any construction worker or architect, and you’ll find out that you have no clue what’s keeping your house standing upright for decades on end. Or, if your car breaks down, you think you know what’s wrong, but you aren’t able to fix it yourself, so you bring it into the repair shop.

It is the people who have the power. In fact, every great change throughout history has come from the people. And the people will continue to demand that our leaders do not surrender on the environment, our living conditions, our food system or our future.

Nothing well-designed is the way it is, simply “because it looks good.” It’s the other way around: it looks good to you as a result of the way it is. Think about it. The brands you love don’t all look alike. But you do think every single one of them looks great in their own way. How can that be? Didn’t we just establish that you have a personal preference? Then how come you like how clean and sophisticated Apple’s identity looks, but also how bold and dynamic Red Bull’s marketing is? Apple and Red Bull look nothing alike.

With cars and houses, the stakes are high and tangible. Being stranded in the middle of nowhere or having a roof collapse isn’t something you want to bestow on yourself. So, you leave it to the experts. With design, not so much. Everyone is entitled to have a certain taste and a personal preference. And everyone knows what they like, and what they don’t like.

Today, eleven months after the European Parliament declared a climate emergency, the very same parliament voted to go ahead with an agricultural policy that — in summary — fuels ecological destruction with almost 400 billion euros. Hundreds of thousands of tweets using #VoteThisCAPdown asking the MEPs to intervene didn’t convince enough MEPs to flip this.

No, the story to tell today is a different one. This is the story of the people who have not given up. The fact this vote emerged to become a public issue, that it was discussed all over the internet, in offices and living rooms, was made possible by thousands of people who care. People who care about the future that is created by such decisions. And more than that. These people, activists, concerned citizens, scientists, professionals, mums, dads, grandparents, children. They all cared about their own role in this. They took responsibility, spoke out, got organized in times when those in power failed to live up to their promises. And this happened despite the fact that the media chose to completely ignore the story about the disastrous environmental impacts of the proposed CAP “reform”. The hope once again lies with the people.

We ask the people to stay with us and keep pushing. We ask the ones in power to stop pretending they care — or to get going in case they mean it. And we ask the media to wake up, to rise up to their responsibility. This result happened due to that media decided to stay silent, decided not to question proposals, not to challenge leaders, not to intervene, not to inform the public. And if the media continues down this dangerous road, they will lose their credibility among countless young people. And this is something we can not allow to happen as there is no future for democracy without a strong, independent free press.

This was made possible thanks to countless lobbyists, but also news editors and media platforms who failed to do their job — to inform citizens about crucial events that concern them. If this does not happen, the elected officials will not be held accountable for their actions and can get away with basically anything. This is not how a democracy is supposed to work.

Are we disappointed? No. Because that would mean we were expecting a miracle. Yet this day has once again shown the size of the gap that lies between current policies and where we would need to be, in order to be in line with the Paris Agreement. And this day has shown how much it is up to the people — the people everywhere, across Europe and across the globe taking matters into their own hands. Because today, theses issues are certainly not being taken care of in the way they need to be.

Catagory :general