10 Hygiene Tips That can Help Reduce Infections in Vagina.

Author : smithbarkar
Publish Date : 2021-04-19 15:33:59

Just like other problems of menstruation or usage of adult toys, vaginal hygiene is taboo in many countries. Take an example of the infections related to menstruation. About 80% of adolescent girls are unaware of the health implications of improper menstruation hygiene. So, you can think about how vaginal health will be more of a taboo like menstruation. 

According to Alyssa Dweck, author of The Complete A to Z for Your V, “vaginal infections are underrated, and most people consider them to be the dirtiest. But, the fact remains that an average mouth has more bacteria.”

She adds further that every vagina smells different and so the hygienic level also differs from person to person. But, the stress should be on educating more women to cope with such problems. So, here we are with some helpful tips to improve vaginal health. 

#1. Dryness Check

Vaginal dryness is common among women of all ages. However once a woman goes through menopause, dryness is quite commonplace. According to a Harvard report, 90% of women don't seek treatment for their symptoms regarding postmenopausal issues. These symptoms include dryness, irritation, and pain during the intimacy.

NAMS or North American Menopause Society and the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health believe that such symptoms occur when there is a reduction in the production of estrogen hormone in women causing a condition referred to as GSM or Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause.

#2. Sanitary Pads 

Many gynecologists and experts, women must change their sanitary pads every four to six hours depending upon the blood flow during menstruation periods. But, if you are having a heavy blood flow during menstruation then you must shorten the time between changing sanitary pads to three or four hours. While if you are using tampon then keep in mind it to change every six hours without failure, and clean the intimate area each time you visit the washroom.

If you fail to change the sanitary napkins or tampons for a longer period, it can lead to rashes,  irritation, and bad odor. Further, such habits can get you infected at the intimate parts and even lead to cancer in the longer run. It is highly recommended to use hygienic napkins or proper pads rather than using reusable clothes which need proper cleaning and drying with frequent usage. 

#3. Underwear Hygiene

Cotton is a breathable material and that is the reason why many experts suggest the usage of cotton-based underwear. Due to the breathable qualities of the cotton, your vagina will be free from sweat-ridden infections. Apart from that breathable cotton undies can also be quite great for a fresh and airy feel. 

Though the usage of underwear is not limited to being just a breathable fabric letting your vagina feel amazing; you can use a clitoris stimulator to infuse some blood flow for healthier genitals. With increased blood flow and proper circulation inside the vaginal walls, women can have better libido and healthy intimacy with the partner. 

#4. Safe Love Making

One of the most significant ways in which vaginal infections occur is due to unsafe intimacy. Using a condom is the best way to ensure that you don’t have transmission of infection from the partner’s genitals. Another precaution that you can take is using lubricant. It helps reduce the friction in the genitals during intercourse. 

#5. Medical conditions

Apart from the usual ways in which the infections can occur due to medical conditions too if proper hygiene is not maintained. For example, pelvic surgeries, and endometriosis are the type of conditions that need proper cleaning at intimate parts. So, it is important that you are maintaining enough hygiene to reduce the chances of any major infection. 

#6. Intravaginal hygiene products

Though it seems to be an ideal practice to start cleaning your vagina with such intravaginal hygiene products, many experts believe otherwise. According to a 2013 study on Obstetrics & Gynecology found that excessive use of such products can lead to increased risk of infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, and STDs(Sexually Transmitted Diseases). 

The reason is simple your vagina does have good bacteria too that keeps your cleansing at the place and vagina healthy, but with external products, these bacteria die. So, you are more susceptible to infections. 

#7. Cycling Regime

Whether you are an athlete or a cycling enthusiast, excessive cycling is damaging your vagina. With too much cycling you may be prone to genital numbness, pain, tingling, and even infections. According to a study, women are more prone to such symptoms during cycling activities. The best way to prevent such ill effects during the activity oif cycling is by wearing padded shorts. 

#8. Back to Front

Exploring backdoor sexual activities is not bad, but going from anal to vaginal intercourse without cleaning and changing the condom can lead to infections. In fact, it can also lead to STDs and other such issues. Even for anal intercourse, you can use anal relaxers which reduces the chance of pain and internal rashes due to tight anal muscles. 

#9. Natural Cleansing

Avoiding scented soaps and creams for cleansing the vagina can be the best way to ensure that there is no infection. Most of these scents are made from harmful chemicals and proprietary elements that may not be chemically compatible with your skin. As they are patented, brands are not obliged to share such information with you and you run the risk of incurring infections. 

#10. Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are another great way to strengthen the pelvic muscles and reduce the risk of infection. It helps you in reducing the strain on the pelvic floor muscles and maintain vaginal health. 


Vaginal health is quite essential in women. It helps them stay healthy and enjoy different phases of life like motherhood, sexual life, and more. So, keeping the vaginal healthy through proper care, cleansing, and maintaining the dryness quotient does make sense. The best way to do it is by maintaining the hygienic routine that is driven through expert advice from your gynecologist.

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