6 Interesting Ticks Facts You Didn’t Know

Author : lizzabee
Publish Date : 2021-03-19 05:53:01

So, you have a tick problem at home or in the building! Well, if it makes any difference, you are not alone. Ticks actually infest around 40% of the properties in the US alone. Yet, there are many interesting tick facts that most people actually do not know. We say interesting because these are some things people don’t know. In the actual sense, there might be no interesting thing about these vampires.

Ticks make rashes on your skin that itch and simply suck the blood out of you. What more can you ask from a scary little bug that you probably cannot even see! All homes and properties are simply better without tick infestations. They also make your pets go crazy with the itch and annoyance. Here are some interesting tick facts you probably didn’t know:

Ticks Are Miniature Vampires Looking to Suck Your Blood

Yes, ticks suck blood out of people. They might be small with comparatively small appetites, yet, they can be health risks. Ticks can carry micro-organisms like bacteria and viruses that can cause many conditions in humans. Also, the itch can be simply overwhelming.

The only reason people live in the same space as ticks do (their homes) is that ticks are tiny and usually invisible. You can think of ticks as smaller sized bats or even vampires. They will suck blood from the individual they land on for a very long time. All that itching might not be enough to get rid of them too.

Ticks Are Not Actually Insects

Contrary to popular belief, ticks aren’t actually insects. These are classified as arachnids and resemble more closely to spiders than insects. They also share similarities with mites and scorpions in many ways. This will however not have any effect on the way ticks behave and they will still look to suck your blood.

Ticks have pairs of legs and lack antennae making them related to spiders more than they are to insects. Upon closer inspection, anyone can find this out. However, we do not recommend getting this close to ticks at all. Better leave they be and away from your body or clothing at all times.

Ticks Love Dogs as Much as They Love Humans

There are some typical tick species that have a liking for dogs. American dog tick and brown dog tick specialize in haunting dogs of all sizes. Also, dogs are much easier targets for ticks as well. Interesting tick facts with them liking dogs as much as humans are relatively lesser known by many.

It is important for pet owners to safeguard their pets against ticks. Wash their bedding and any kinds of plush toys regularly to eliminate any tick infestations. Also, make sure to check your dogs and cats, especially the ones that head out regularly for ticks. Use tick shampoo when required to get rid.

Ticks Are Sort of Daredevils

Ticks have no wings. They don’t even have strong legs to jump far. However, they can crawl up on low brush or grass where they can look for a host. There are mechanisms that allow ticks to clasp back legs on the grass or brush and extend front legs out to attach to animals or humans to feed on.

Another risky move these little daredevils can do is to fall down from their perch freely. They can land on prey. Talk about interesting tick facts right! Once on your body and inside your property, they will multiply fast. Be sure to look for quality pest control Vancouver service provider if that is the case.

Ticks Feed Long and Hard – Avoid Them

Where many other biting pests may do it for shorter periods of time, ticks don’t. These little blood suckers are adapted to feed on their host for long times. This is actually one of the more interesting tick facts on our list. They would bury their curved teeth inside the skin deeply to remain securely attached.

They can even be there for days to feed as they see fit. Also, another one of our interesting tick facts is that they would need a period of 24-48 hours of feeding before they can successfully transmit infections. Some infections they can transmit include Lyme disease. Make sure to remove them quickly.

Getting Rid of Ticks Is Hard

Lastly, getting rid of ticks entirely can be pretty difficult. Reason for this is that they can quick multiply their numbers once inside your property. You will need professional pest control Burnaby or any other local service to do the job for you. In fact, ticks are no different to other pests in this regard.

Serious think about getting rid of them quickly. Some very interesting tick facts include that females can drop down from their host to the ground to lay eggs. A female can at a time lay thousands of eggs that will eventually hatch if not removed. This is how they reproduce so quickly.

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