Children Going Puberty Early

Author : julianwhitney719
Publish Date : 2021-02-02 20:16:44

Puberty is a time that everyone is sure to go through. In other words, puberty is the stage when a child becomes more sexually mature. In girls, they will pass puberty in the age range of 10-14 years. Whereas in boys, they will pass puberty in the range of 12-16 years.

However, did you know that some children puberty earlier than other children their age? Puberty that comes too early can have a negative impact on the child's condition. Girls who go through puberty early are prone to panic attacks, depression and body dissatisfaction. What are the reasons for a child to puberty earlier than other children his age? Come on, read the explanation here.
This is the reason why children get pubescent faster
Puberty that is experienced more quickly causes changes in the shape and size of the body in children. Girls are said to experience puberty earlier when menstruating before the age of 8. Whereas in boys, early puberty occurs with signs of voice changes that become heavier, the growth of fine hair, and enlargement of the testicles or penis before entering the age of 9 years.

In addition, other common symptoms are the appearance of acne problems on the face, rapid growth in height, and an adult body odor. In addition to adolescents, it is better for parents to pay attention to and understand the signs of puberty that are experienced by children properly.

Also read: Reasons for Irritable Children due to Early Puberty

Then, what causes the child to puberty earlier than other children his age? Hormonal changes are one of the causes. In addition, here are some other factors for early puberty:

1. The existence of health problems

Puberty that comes earlier in children can be a sign of health problems in children. Hypothyroidism is one of the causes of children experiencing puberty earlier. If a child experiences signs of puberty accompanied by fatigue, sensitivity to cold weather, dry and rough skin, swollen face, hair loss, and difficulty in concentrating discuss this with the doctor on the Halodoc application to ensure the child's health.

2. Adequacy of Nutrition and Nutrition

Launching Psychology Today, an environment that can provide good food for children is one of the factors that makes children experience puberty faster. Food availability and children's nutritional status affect a person's reproductive ability. Lack of nutrition makes a person experience puberty slower. Likewise, excess nutrition can make children experience puberty earlier than other children who get balanced nutrition.

3. Chemical Exposure

The chemicals in body care products that children use are at risk for increasing the hormone estrogen, which speeds up puberty. Choose body care products for children that are safe from chemicals so that children's health is maintained.

4. Family Factors

Research at the University of California reveals that puberty that comes earlier can be caused by factors in a less harmonious family. Bad early life experiences and a parent who often displays violence can speed up a child's puberty process.

Those are some of the causes of children puberty earlier. For parents, you should pay attention to this condition carefully, yes. As parents, mothers must always support their children in facing puberty so that this process has a positive impact on mental and physical health. Listen to any complaints your child has about puberty problems.

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