How Should You Prepare Your House When You Are Away for A while?

Author : thekavyasharma
Publish Date : 2021-04-30 12:21:49

Regardless of whether you’re a travel enthusiast, you’ll be worried about the state of your home while you’re away. Some of the threats that you’ll be thinking about include burglary and the heating system failing. Many issues might go wrong, and there is a high likelihood that you’ll have sleepless nights. To avoid such issues, you should prepare the house accordingly before you can go on a trip.

How to Secure Your Home When You’re Away

For those who are planning to take part in a long trip, it is advisable to prepare the home well considering it won’t be occupied for a prolonged period. The major aspect, in this case, is preparation.

Below are tips that will come in handy as you prepare your house before you embark on a long trip:

You Shouldn’t Hide the House Keys

At times, people hide the house keys under the doormat or any other place that is easily accessible. Unfortunately, some burglars know about such tricks, and they can easily access your home because of such vulnerabilities. Before traveling, you should look into the weather patterns of your final destination. For instance, if you’re traveling to Germany, you should be knowledgeable about the areas affected by floods.

Install Programmable Light Timers

The light timers come in handy as they will turn the lights ON in the evening and OFF at dawn. The main advantage of the light timers is that they give people the perception that you’re still around. There are different programmable light timers in the market, and you can scout around for the one that suits you best.

It is advisable for those who live in mansions to acquire a programmable light timer for each floor. After the installation process, set the light timers and test them before you travel. The testing phase allows you to determine whether the light timers are working well.

The light timers also come in handy such that they can turn electronics such as televisions ON and OFF. When the radio or television is ON, it signifies there is someone on the premises, and it’ll be easier to scare off the burglars.

Safe Deposit Boxes and Window Blinds

It is advisable to install window blinds since they ensure people cannot see the inside of your house and your valuables will be safe. The only issue is that if the blinds are closed for many weeks, it signifies that there is no one around, and burglars will be tempted to break in and check out the valuables you have in your house.

Insurance companies usually issue recommendations, and the current best option is to leave the blinds open. You can also install a barn door kit in the process. Valuable items should also be kept out of sight. If possible, pieces of jewelry and other items should be placed in a safe deposit box.

Lock the Garage, Windows, and External Doors

The front and back doors should be locked. If you have sliding doors, ensure they have security locks. The main focus is on ensuring that all the external entry points have been closed down. If possible, you should use deadbolt locks. Ensure all windows are also locked. You can cross-check whether all entry points are sealed before you leave.

The garage doors that have a door opener that is electric are vulnerable since the burglars can gain access using garage door opener scanners. The only way to deal with the scanners is to ensure the receiver has been disconnected. In turn, you can use a garage door lock that is operated manually. Ensure the garage door opener is also unplugged. If there are any valuables stored in the garage, you should remove them and place them somewhere safe. It is advisable to notify the people who have access to the garage that the garage door system has been disabled.

Install Floodlights That Are Motion Activated

The element of surprise matters. For instance, when burglars break-in and the motion-activated floodlights turn ON, the burglars will be shocked, and they will retreat. The floodlights also turn ON automatically when you’re around, and they help to ensure your home is secure even when you’re away.

Are you a traveling enthusiast and you’re worried about how you will prepare your house before you leave for a trip? There is no need to worry anymore. We have outlined the tips above that will come in handy so there is no need to worry when you embark on a long trip.

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