How to prepare the elderly to receive their COVID vaccine?

Author : tiaranurbaeti1818
Publish Date : 2021-02-16 03:58:39

The deployment of the vaccination strategy against COVID-19 is underway and inoculation for the elderly is closer than it seems.

According to the Ministry of Health, in February, the application of the vaccine will affect the most vulnerable population by age, people with 60 years or more.

Experts consulted by UNOTV recommend preparing them to receive the vaccine in optimal health conditions.

"If they have a disease like hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, try to have them as well controlled as possible."

Alejandro Macías | Infectious disease doctor
You also have to avoid respiratory diseases . It is essential to be strict with what we bring to the table.

"To strengthen the immune system have a healthy diet"

Lorena Salas | Bachelor of Clinical Nutrition
It is recommended to consume vitamin C of natural origin such as the one provided:

Give the body vitamin D that it provides: egg, cheese, non-fatty fish, supplement with daily exposure to the sun for at least 15 minutes to avoid colds and respiratory infections.

"Omega 3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids which will help us reduce triglycerides, bad cholesterol and is anti-inflammatory."

Lorena Salas | Bachelor of Clinical Nutrition

It is important to supplement with physical activity.

"The exercise that best conditions you is the aerobic exercise type running, walking, but it must also be said that it is not the only exercise you should do, you must combine it with a strength exercise, including the elderly, weights, abs or push-ups, some strength exercise, arches of movement of the joints, a balance ”

Alejandro Macias | Infectious disease doctor
So you have to prepare older adults for the expected moment: receive the vaccine and shield them against COVID-19.

Community kitchens CDMX: Given the need, Father Benito provides more help to those who require it

His help became a true crusade; in these difficult times the need has increased and fortunately the kindness and altruism have also increased.

The community dining room of Father Benito , of the Santa Cruz y Soledad parish, on one side of La Merced, has spread its protective mantle.

"... The places we have opened are poor places, where people are very vulnerable ..."

Father Benito Torres | Parish priest of Santa Cruz y Soledad
His foundation "Saciando al Pobre" , opened its most recent dining room in Bordo de Xochiaca, Nezahualcóyotl, State of Mexico.

"... we have distributed up to 500 breakfasts with pantry ..."

Father Benito Torres | Parish priest of Santa Cruz y Soledad
Other charitable souls have joined this crusade to feed the poor:

The Lázaro Foundation is open on Saturdays and Sundays, in the Parroquia del Santo Cristo de la Agonía, on Calle Sándalo 111, Santa María Insurgentes, in front of the La Raza hospital.

"... They are people living on the streets and others are people, because of the pandemic, they have been in a very difficult situation ..."

Tatiana Galindo | Lazaro Foundation
The Parish of the Lady of Perpetual Help and Saint Joseph in Sullivan, joined the cause with dinners every Wednesday and extends its help at the Cuauhtémoc subway exit; Basilica metro exit; corner of Reforma avenue and Eje 1 Norte; and between the Hospital Juárez and the Central Camionera del Norte.

"... We prepare 400 liters of atole, we prepare about 300 liters of stew and 200 liters of soup ..."

René Valdespino | Ministry of Charity, Parish of the Lady of Perpetual Help and Saint Joseph
The act of generosity has witnessed a disturbing phenomenon.

"... You notice people now that you see that they do not live on the streets and you talk with them and they are unemployed, they do not have a job, they have a family ..."

René Valdespino | Member of the Ministry of Charity
"... Even professionals who in view of this need and this situation that we are living ..."

Tatiana Galindo | Lazaro Foundation
Other community dining rooms are:

the "Renaissance" Rehabilitation Center in Aragon
the church of San Sebastián Deacon and Martyr in Tepito
the mobile canteen at the Balbuena General Hospital and the XXI Century National Medical Center
"... More or less we distribute between 8 thousand and 10 thousand meals a week ..."

Father Benito Torres | Parish priest of Our Lady of Solitude

You can report gandallas in the application of the COVID-19 vaccine; IMSS gives this number

The Mexican Institute of Social Security ( IMSS ) enabled the number 800 623 2323 for complaints, doubts and suggestions on the subject of vaccination against COVID-19 for the general public, informed Zoé Robledo, CEO.  

In that sense, the head of the IMSS also mentioned that at this time it is to give priority to health personnel.

“So far we have had 62 calls, we started having it as of yesterday; 8 have been complaints and reports, and 54 have been doubts and questions of orientation; So what we want is to invite everyone to continue; If you have any complaint, make it through that route, which is the corresponding route ”.

Zoé Robledo Aburto, general director of the IMSS
Regarding the capacity of beds in the capital of the country, Zoé Robledo explained that the reconversion work continues in the metropolitan area of ​​the Valley of Mexico in order to provide capacity in COVID-19 hospitals.

He reported that in the temporary COVID-19 Unit at the Hermanos Rodríguez Autodromo, there were 30 beds with ventilators, additional in temporary field hospitals, as well as 52 beds in the area surrounding the track.

He also pointed out that beds have been set up in the IMSS Family Medicine Units, such as 30 in the Azcapotzalco mayoral unit.

“There are many strategies just thinking about the beds, I think we would be putting aside other ways to get ahead, what I always want to clarify is that we continue to grow; we will continue with our zero rejection policy; the staff is fatigued and we can help them and do it by staying at home ”.

Zoé Robledo, General Director of the IMSS
Regarding the health status of the doctor who presented reactions after being vaccinated against COVID-19 with doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, the director of Medical Benefits of the IMSS , Víctor Hugo Borja, reported that she has no longer had seizures and her health improves; He added that in the next few days she could be discharged.

"He has been recovering his muscular strength and today he was able to sit up and it is possible that he will be discharged in the following days."

Víctor Hugo Borja Aburto, Director of Medical Benefits of the IMSS

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