Types of food that describe each character of the zodiac (2021)

Author : Shinta Bachir
Publish Date : 2021-01-17 17:04:43

If we are likened to food, what kind of food is it that best describes our character?

Instead of being curious, let's immediately find out the type of food that fits our character based on the zodiac!

What do you eat, girls?

If you don't know your zodiac sign please click here

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ARIES - Cereals


As an optimist, Aries is the same as cereal.

With usually a small portion of cereal, this food can make people excited in the morning.

Likewise with Aries who remain optimistic in all things even though the possibilities are few or small.

TAURUS - Mint Candy

Eat mint candy

Taurus is a practical person like mint candy that is easy to carry and put anywhere.

In addition, like mint candy that is ready to make our mouth smell fresh, a Taurus is reliable and has a high level of focus.

GEMINI - Fried Potatoes

French fries

French fries are one of the favorite foods that are always suitable for any occasion.

Besides that, french fries are also really delicious dipped in various sauces, from tomato sauce to BBQ.

Likewise with Gemini, a person who is easy to get along with and mingle with various people.

CANCER - Chocolate Candy


From the outside, a Cancer may look tough but on the inside he is a really fun person.

Just like colorful chocolate candy which has a hard shape on the outside, but it has a sweet, soft, and delicious taste inside.

LEO - Chocolate Fountain

Chocolate fountain

Like a lion who is always the center of attention, Leo is like a chocolate fountain in between rows of party dishes.

The chocolate fountain is so eye-catching because of its tall shape with a seductive rain of chocolate.

VIRGO - Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter

When you're hungry in the middle of the night or rumbling when you're studying, peanut butter always manages to save us.

Just like the Virgo character who is always the first person to look for in good and bad times.

Because Virgos are dependable.

LIBRA - Nutella jam

Nutella chocolates

Who can resist the deliciousness of chocolate jam like Nutella?

Just like Libra, someone who can always make other people happy, Nutella has always succeeded in making us happy.

Hence, if you hang out with Libra, you will always laugh because of their fun figure.

SCORPIO - Chocolate Valentine

Easy chocolate recipes for Valentine

Chocolate is often symbolized as a romantic snack that is often given to loved ones on Valentine's Day.

Well, just like romantic chocolate, Scorpio is also a romantic person and likes to show love through unique things.



The energetic and enthusiastic Sagittarius who makes this zodiac sign can be the only typical food from other countries such as kebabs from the Middle East.

Sagittarius likes to explore various things, just like kebabs made from various food ingredients.

CAPRICORN - Biscuits


Like biscuits, Capricorn is crunchy, tasty, and not boring.


Fruit salad
Salad is one of the refreshing foods where there are really fresh vegetables, beans, corn, dressings, etc.

Well, so is the figure of Aquarius. People with this zodiac usually bring comfort in a place.

PISCES - Seaweed


For those who are experiencing indigestion, seaweed is one of the foods that can restore us, girls.

More or less, the same as Pisces who are always ready to comfort their friends who are sad or sad.

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