Understand Drugs that Can Be Taken and Not When Vaccinating Covid-19

Author : ahmadfirman99dc
Publish Date : 2021-03-24 03:07:51

Covid-19 has a big risk of attacking people with weak immune systems. Usually, most people with congenital diseases depend on medicines that need to be taken regularly.

However, it was found that there was a reaction that tended to be unfavorable between the Covid-19 vaccine and drugs that are routinely consumed for the body's immune system. A predisposition to some conditions or routine medications can also cause an unusual rash and swelling.

Launching from the Times of India , the Covid-19 vaccine works to produce a strong immune response after injection. The potential effectiveness of a vaccine may depend on how well a person's body responds to it. For those with congenital diseases, the immune response may tend to be slow, in some extreme cases.

Taking some medications can also make the body work harder, resulting in a delayed immune response to vaccines. The following is an explanation of the response of congenital disease drugs with Covid-19 vaccination to the body.

Thyroid medication

Thyroid is a condition that interferes with metabolism and hormone function. However, the part of the immune system that is responsible for autoimmune thyroid disease is separate from the immune system which is responsible for fighting infections. Therefore, most thyroid medications used will not trigger symptoms or make the vaccine less effective

Asthma and allergy medications

Allergies have been the talk of the Covid-19 vaccine because it can make some susceptible to developing anaphylaxis, which is a worrisome severe allergic reaction. However, most of the drugs or antihistamines used are proven safe for consumption by people with food allergies or general allergies such as asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, unless having anaphylaxis is strictly prohibited for vaccination.

Cancer treatment and immunotherapy drugs

This condition can suppress the immune system. People suffering from cancer are often given high doses of immunosuppressants which can cause the body to have an incomplete immune response and will have a very bad condition after vaccination. This will worsen the immune system to become malfunctioning. Ideally, patients wait four weeks after chemotherapy to get the vaccine.

Psychiatric medicine

Many mental illnesses and neuropsychiatric conditions, including sleep disorders, are known to decrease the immune response of vaccines. People with mental illness are advised to consult a doctor before vaccination. Some psychiatric and psychotic drugs can cause anti-inflammatory reactions that the Covid-19 vaccine does not want. High doses can also trigger neutropenia.

Can Drinking Alcohol Damage the Benefits of the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Doctors recommend paying attention to alcohol intake in the days after being vaccinated for different reasons.

When the corona virus (Covid-19) vaccine program was taking place, the public asked what food and beverage restrictions were after being vaccinated. Why? This is related to the formation of very important corona virus vaccine antibodies. 

How can certain substances interfere with the development of a strong immune response? Understandably, many people wonder whether or not it is safe to drink alcohol after vaccination, because several studies have shown that booze can affect the immune system if consumed in excess.

To date, there has been no official recommendation from the government, but experts we spoke to said it was not something to worry about, within reason. However, research on vaccines does not require trial participants to avoid alcohol.

There is no evidence that alcohol reduces the formation of antibody to the corona virus vaccine, said Richard Watkins, an infectious disease doctor and professor of internal medicine at Northeast Ohio Medical University, Wednesday (24/8/2021). Richard recommends watching your alcohol intake in the days after being vaccinated for different reasons. Some people may experience flu-like side effects such as fever, chills, fatigue, and headaches and dizziness.

He explained that the CDC encourages people who have been vaccinated to communicate symptoms after being vaccinated and that symptoms may present with dizziness, such as being drunk.

The dangers of uploading vaccine certificates to social media, why?

Recently, many residents have uploaded Covid-19 vaccination certificates to social media. 

Responding to this, Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito asked the public not to do this. The reason is that the public must realize the importance of protecting personal data contained in the proof of Covid-19 vaccination. 

The government asks recipients of the Covid-19 vaccine who have received a certificate of proof of being vaccinated not to upload it to social media or distribute it, Wiku explained as quoted by Kontan in a press conference broadcast on YouTube's Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday (23/3/2021) . 

He added that the public must know that in the vaccine certificate, there is personal data in the form of a QR code that can be scanned. 

Use the certificate according to their needs because the spread of personal data can pose a risk to us, continued Wiku. 

Based on data collected by the Covid-19 Task Force, until March 20, 2021, people who have received the vaccine have reached 5 million. He hopes that this figure will continue to increase. 

The government is targeting vaccination to reach 70% of Indonesia's population or around 182 million people.

People, continued Wiku, don't have to worry about the corona virus vaccine. This is because the government ensures that the corona vaccine given to the public is safe, efficacious, and has minimal side effects. 

"I ask the public to be able to participate in this vaccination program according to a predetermined schedule," said Wiku.

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