Romano Prodi Fast Facts subchiefs

Author : nickerpecker1981
Publish Date : 2021-04-09 16:21:46


Birth date: August 9, 1939

Birth place: Scandiano, Italy

Father: Mario Prodi

Mother: Enrica Prodi

Marriage: Flavia Franzoni Prodi (1969-present)

Children: Giorgio and Antonio

Education: Catholic University in Milan, Law, 1961; Studied at the London School of Economics

Other Facts

Has been a visiting professor at Harvard, Brown and Stanford.

Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.


1963-1999 - Works at the University of Bologna.

1974-1978 - Chairman of the publishing house Società Editrice Il Mulino.

November 1978-March 1979 - Serves as Italy's minister of industry.

1981 - Founds Nomisma, an economic research institute.

November 1982-October 1989 - Serves as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction.

1993-1994 - Returns to position as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction.

1996-1998 - Prime minister of Italy.

1999-2004 - President of the European Commission.

2006 - Again, elected prime minister of Italy.

January 2008 - Prodi loses a confidence vote in the Italian Senate and resigns.

February 2009 - Is named to a five-year professor-at-large position at Brown University.

October 9, 2012 - Is named the United Nations special envoy for the Sahel, an area of northern Africa between the Sahara Desert and the Sudanian savanna, which includes parts of 13 countries.

April 2013 - Runs for the Italian presidency and loses.

January 31, 2014 - Prodi completes his UN assignment as special envoy for the Sahel.

Father: Mario Prodi 1999-2004 - President of the European Commission. 1974-1978 - Chairman of the publishing house Società Editrice Il Mulino. November 1982-October 1989 - Serves as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction. October 9, 2012 - Is named the United Nations special envoy for the Sahel, an area of northern Africa between the Sahara Desert and the Sudanian savanna, which includes parts of 13 countries. Marriage: Flavia Franzoni Prodi (1969-present) 2006 - Again, elected prime minister of Italy. January 2008 - Prodi loses a confidence vote in the Italian Senate and resigns. 1999-2004 - President of the European Commission. January 2008 - Prodi loses a confidence vote in the Italian Senate and resigns. 2006 - Again, elected prime minister of Italy. 2006 - Again, elected prime minister of Italy. Personal Marriage: Flavia Franzoni Prodi (1969-present) 1963-1999 - Works at the University of Bologna. Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Father: Mario Prodi January 2008 - Prodi loses a confidence vote in the Italian Senate and resigns. Children: Giorgio and Antonio 2006 - Again, elected prime minister of Italy. February 2009 - Is named to a five-year professor-at-large position at Brown University. 1974-1978 - Chairman of the publishing house Società Editrice Il Mulino. October 9, 2012 - Is named the United Nations special envoy for the Sahel, an area of northern Africa between the Sahara Desert and the Sudanian savanna, which includes parts of 13 countries. Marriage: Flavia Franzoni Prodi (1969-present) January 2008 - Prodi loses a confidence vote in the Italian Senate and resigns. October 9, 2012 - Is named the United Nations special envoy for the Sahel, an area of northern Africa between the Sahara Desert and the Sudanian savanna, which includes parts of 13 countries. Other Facts Marriage: Flavia Franzoni Prodi (1969-present) February 2009 - Is named to a five-year professor-at-large position at Brown University. November 1978-March 1979 - Serves as Italy's minister of industry. 1996-1998 - Prime minister of Italy. Timeline Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. 1981 - Founds Nomisma, an economic research institute. Birth place: Scandiano, Italy Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. 1974-1978 - Chairman of the publishing house Società Editrice Il Mulino. November 1982-October 1989 - Serves as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction. Education: Catholic University in Milan, Law, 1961; Studied at the London School of Economics Birth date: August 9, 1939 January 2008 - Prodi loses a confidence vote in the Italian Senate and resigns. November 1982-October 1989 - Serves as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction. Mother: Enrica Prodi Marriage: Flavia Franzoni Prodi (1969-present) 1981 - Founds Nomisma, an economic research institute. Marriage: Flavia Franzoni Prodi (1969-present) Father: Mario Prodi Father: Mario Prodi 1993-1994 - Returns to position as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction. 1993-1994 - Returns to position as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction. Other Facts Father: Mario Prodi Birth place: Scandiano, Italy February 2009 - Is named to a five-year professor-at-large position at Brown University. 1996-1998 - Prime minister of Italy. January 31, 2014 - Prodi completes his UN assignment as special envoy for the Sahel. Education: Catholic University in Milan, Law, 1961; Studied at the London School of Economics April 2013 - Runs for the Italian presidency and loses. January 2008 - Prodi loses a confidence vote in the Italian Senate and resigns. Birth place: Scandiano, Italy November 1982-October 1989 - Serves as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction. 1963-1999 - Works at the University of Bologna. 2006 - Again, elected prime minister of Italy. November 1982-October 1989 - Serves as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction. Birth place: Scandiano, Italy April 2013 - Runs for the Italian presidency and loses. Timeline Education: Catholic University in Milan, Law, 1961; Studied at the London School of Economics 1996-1998 - Prime minister of Italy. 1974-1978 - Chairman of the publishing house Società Editrice Il Mulino. Other Facts 1993-1994 - Returns to position as president of the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction.


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