Tutoring One-to-one a Better Way to Improve the Productivity of Students

Author : amyjackson44
Publish Date : 2020-10-03 12:23:58

Tutoring One-to-one a Better Way to Improve the Productivity of Students

As we all have suffered this year full of tragic incidents but COVID-19 is by far the most important one to discuss. During this year we surely did suffer but yet we did learn a lot of things during this year and these things that we learned will come in handy while we move towards the future. One thing that we understood during this time of pandemic is that everything can be managed virtually. Humankind has achieved this advancement in the technological field that everything is manageable through the internet and computers.

Many businesses that no one every thought can run online were run using only wireless means and work that was though that is not possible without human interaction was done without anyone even meeting each other.


Educational institutes were affected a lot by this pandemic and even the students had to face the difficulties of online education. A teacher teaching the whole class remotely was the method used but yet some students were facing problems so tutoring one on one was recommended for them where the teacher can provide one-to-one tuition for that specific child of a small group.

Everyone is trying to give their best in Fields and students are trying their best to learn what they are intended to learn. Every child has a different nature some are confident enough to talk and ask anything about their queries and some of the children are shy and they are afraid to talk thinking that they will be made fun of if they ask a stupid question. So, for these students, one-to-one tutoring is the best choice so they won't feel hesitant of asking about their problems. And a one-to-one tutor can help your child gain confidence by interacting with him and he will surely learn a lot better under these circumstances.

Three Benefits of one-to-one Tutoring

One-to-one tutoring is simple and convenient both for the children and the teacher. It usually is a 30 minutes session, but it might extend to an hour or so depending on the conditions. One-to-one tutoring is a simple process a single tutor attends a single student a time teaching him about the stuff he wants to learn about and interact with him accordingly. The attention of the tutor is undivided as well as the student. So, the learning procedure for the student can prove quite effective and less boring.

Learning in a social pressure-free environment

Learning in an environment free of peer pressure can prove to be a blessing for some students. Some of the students can perform very well when they are alone and whenever they have to face a crowd they freeze and are unable to deliver according to their capabilities.

 Here one-to-one tutors can help improve the confidence of the students where they are not afraid and they can learn more.

Better Feedback

A lot of students studying in a classroom can cause some trouble for the teacher to provide feedback to each student. Here the one-to-one tutor can manage the situation very effectively. In a one-to-one session, the tutor can provide very detailed and specific feedback to the students according to which he can improve his skills with great efficiency.


One-to-one tutoring is way more flexible for the students as well as tutors. The tutor can become a friend to the student and this can help boost the learning capability of the student. But still, if the student is unable to make a good relationship with the student can always choose another one-to-one tutor.

Finding a one-to-one tutor in your area can be hard sometimes, but finding a one-to-one tutor on the internet is quite easy there are a ton of options available for your child or yourself if you are looking for a tutor. Tots and Tweenies in one of them. One-to-one tutoring is a better value for money if it is compared to an academy where there is only one teacher to teach a dozen of kids.

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