5 Ways Covid -19 Could Change How We Educate Our Future Generations

Author : anthonysmith
Publish Date : 2020-10-12 10:57:46

5 Ways Covid -19 Could Change How We Educate Our Future Generations


Well this time they really didn’t have a choice!

They say GEN-Z are the first digital natives. Millennials are considered to be addicted to the technology, but from what has been going on, technology really wasn’t employed the way it should have been until the disastrous yet revelatory Covid-19 happened because of which so many newer things dawned upon us: The possibilities and perhaps the consequences.

This pandemic is a reality check to the people because its crisis has entirely changed the world and our global outlook. The world underwent a change and now everything outside just seems different and bizarre.

What Did Coronavirus Really Do?

The pandemic was a total disaster which affected 90% of the worlds student population and as much as people would say it’s now gone and gone for good, the repercussion is still there which the Gen-Alpha ( the succeeding generation of GEN-Z) is most likely to experience but is not oblivious of.

Coronavirus isn’t just called a ‘gamechanger’ it’s called one for a reason. It introduced the world to the new medium of gaining education which was considered unauthentic and less-effective before this horrendous catastrophe.

1. Distance Learning Strategies, Do They Really Work Out?

This world is all interconnected and everybody is somehow interrelated. Due to this digital connection, learning is now made easier because it can also be done from a distance without really facing any constraints. The upcoming Gen- alpha needs to understand this interrelatedness, and take this forward in the future too.

2. Education And What Else Needs To Be Taught?

As much as education plays an important part in shaping lives and careers, a set of skills do too. A person with loads of education and certification but with no or less skills will never be chosen by the employer over a person with a stack of skills.

What will now be valued in the future? It is the level of adaptability, the collaboration, the potential of exhibiting creativity, innovation and lastly the communication (whether in the virtual or the real world). The three C’s: Creativity, Communication and Collaboration are the key to unlock the real doors of career.

3. Go Out Of The Box, Explore And Find Your Skills!

Giving education is the ultimate priority but giving education in the terms and reference of applying it in the practical life should be made a priority too.

Instead of putting the entire focus on the education, the development of youth’s mind should be considered more essential. They should be made more flexible, their skills should be discovered and then enhanced so that they get prepared for the future they are about to experience.

4. Focusing On The Other Areas Of Life Too

Overloading them with stack of assignments right now, during this pandemic when not just physical health but mental health is destroyed too, will not do good to anybody, neither to the educators nor to the students. They should be given the leniency of getting the work done through different sources.

For that sort of work,cheap assignment service and  cheap dissertation writing are always working in the flow. This will enable the students to have more time to spend on the other different areas of life and explore too.

5. Discovering Other Mediums

It’s challenging to grasp technology at the rapid pace it is changing. After the coronavirus outbreak, people are becoming more flexible towards life, resulting in education being accessed via the usage of technology, globally with lesser restraints. Through this, it will be easier for the future generation to adapt to the digital learning.

In The End,

After the coronavirus outbreak, technology has jumped into the breach and will continue playing a very important role for the future generations too.

 The overall criteria of teaching now has also shifted somewhat from education to other areas. The people in the education sector now have gotten the chance to evaluate and think of what they really are teaching and what are they preparing the students for.

No matter what, the world wouldn’t stop advancing, it never did and it never will. To keep this advancement going on, its necessary to employ ways and strategies which are more effective, and less time and energy consuming.


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