Amazon Web Services - Can They Really Solve Your Problems

Author : stephan
Publish Date : 2020-09-29 05:17:55

Amazon Web Services - Can They Really Solve Your Problems

I recently came across an interesting review of Amazon Web Services and thought I'd share the "best pieces" ... please enjoy. The Amazon Web Services offered by Amazon is now a much bigger operation than its release in 2006 ... when I say I'm huge. Comparable infrastructure and computing power is now being added every day to give an idea of ​​the scale that supported the entire AWS offering in 2006. AWS is divided into eight geographic regions with local edges to provide proxy caches closest to their location. It provides redundancy, high availability, and outstanding performance.

AWS offers a full suite of services to give you just about anything and virtually anything that is really limited to how much you want to spend. This gives CIOs and CTOs the opportunity to play, but there are still some reservations about whether to "go to the clouds" or not. So what can this offer you? If AWS blog provides a "benchmark" to help you visualize specific architectural scenarios, this is useful. You can find ways to help with scale processing, packet processing, disaster recovery, online gaming and, of course, e-commerce access to bread and butter.

What technology is available?

Compute Ec2 - These are instances of a "flexible computing" cloud virtual machine that can be "leased" and configured for load characteristics from mobile to large-scale cluster systems. Special hardware is intended for use by higher instances.

Cloud Watch Monitoring - This service will automatically evaluate your environment based on performance monitoring and add more examples upon request. London Transport uses this service to expand its operations on demand.

Workspace - This is a fully managed desktop environment with G2 graphics examples that support desktop products such as Windows to Kepler GPU Nvidia GRID GK104

Simple storage - The S3 is a highly customizable storage platform used by, for example, Dropbox, Shazam and, of course, Amazon Retail Business. S3 objects are repeated around access zones to reduce delays and improve buffering.

Flexible Block Store - Provides fixed block-level storage for use with Amazon EC2 cases. Repeated through access zones.

Glacier - long-term archive backup. Pricing depends on the number of orders (estimated) return of goods can take 3-5 hours.

AWS Public Datasets - These are free datasets hosted on the Hadoop platform and include datasets such as: NASA NEX, Human Genome, Census Data, and PubChem

Kinis - Kinis is a managed service that flexibly expands to handle large amounts of data in real time and is used in conjunction with EC2 sessions.

Is there more?

In addition to these "virtual" services, AWS can provide customized physical communications, such as dual physical 10gig lines from your offices to data centers, if you need them. If you work in research, AWS can be useful in terms of grants. You can now use a prepaid solution where you can cancel costs / credits on the go. If you are a large user, AWS allows you to "bid" for services through the instant market. It is a pricing model that focuses on batch processing and allows individual replenishment at a lower cost than normal purchase costs.


For a medium-sized business, you would most likely opt for a hybrid approach, choosing a closely interrelated development at home and using AWS for everything else. The thing is, you have a choice, and AWS will almost certainly solve some of your challenges. Keep in mind that other cloud providers are also available, although they may not be AWS-wide.

For further detail about AWS services visit

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