├── components │ └── atoms │ └── Button │ ├── Button.stories.tsx │ ├── Button.tsx │ ├── __tests__ │ │ └── Button.test.tsx │ ├── index.tsx │ └── style.module.css,├── components │ └── atoms │ └── Button │ ├── Button.stories.tsx │ ├── Button.tsx │ ├── __tests__ │ │ └── Button.test.tsx │ ├── index.tsx │ └── style.module.css,If I had known about the joy and self-acceptance and contentment that was waiting for me, my early recovery would have been so much easier. So if you’re in the process of quitting, try to have faith that it will be worth it. Believe that beautiful things are in the pipeline for you, because of course they are. How could they not be?,I still have a long way to go, but I’m no longer getting in my own way as much as I used to. Following through on your commitments because you aren’t hanging out your arse is a pretty effective way of getting things done it turns out.,The billionaire investor and Berkshire Hathaway CEO has publicly discussed numerous investing concepts over the years. Dr. Christian Koch identified eight critical ones in “Warren Buffett: A Practical Understanding of Financial Literacy Extended to Managing Investments,” an analysis he conducted for a doctoral dissertation project at University of South Florida, Tampa.,The fact is that we all have reasons why we drink. To combat social anxiety or make intimacy easier. To soothe the pain of trauma or relationship breakdown. To ‘self-medicate’ our mental illnesses.,Being sober all the time in this world is tough. Have you seen it out there? Yikes. Sometimes it gets too much for me. I go to the GP to ask for help or I go to therapy (when I can afford it). I lean on community support groups like AA and ACA, and I’ve even started asking for help at work.,Chelsey Flood is the author of Infinite Sky and Nightwanderers, and a lecturer in creative writing. She writes about freedom, addiction, nature and love, and is working on a non-fiction book about getting sober.,Life is hard and for me, drinking only made it harder. I mean sure, it gave me a break too. But once the booze wore off, my problems were still there. Some of them growing more complex as the months rolled by. Meanwhile, I was getting older.,How it works: Create four “mind banks” in your notes. You can either divide a sheet of paper into four quadrants or divide your notebook into four sections. (If you go with the latter, it helps to add tabs to your notebook so you can swiftly switch from section to section.) Every note you take goes into one of the banks:,In React development, if the number of files that make up a component keeps growing (e.g. Storybook file, tests file, CSS module), you will find that it’s a bit of a chore to create these by hand.,Chelsey Flood is the author of Infinite Sky and Nightwanderers, and a lecturer in creative writing. She writes about freedom, addiction, nature and love, and is working on a non-fiction book about getting sober.,For the first time since I can remember, I was truly able to appreciate the gifts I had in my life. Basic things like sight and mobility, living parents and some solid skills. I started to validate myself, and to aim higher, and to make progress again. A lot of it was internal stuff: developing self-love and learning to have healthy relationships, but some of it was external too. I got a better job, and lost some weight. I stopped getting into debt and started to save.,Even if you never royally exploded your life while you were drinking, sobering up you will be struck by the time you’ve wasted. For the first two years after I quit I would be winded by regret. What on earth had I been doing with my one precious life?,How to Take Back Control of Your Life from Addictive Internet Algorithms Practices and apps you can use to reclaim your attention and privacy — from simple to radical, and everything in…medium.com
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