Because the wrapper makes sure to return the promise that your async function returns, you can do all the usual things y

Author : jimad.haaayely
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 11:53:29

Because the wrapper makes sure to return the promise that your async function returns, you can do all the usual things y

particular family brunch nearly a decade ago at a swanky new eatery on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. After menus were passed around the dining table to my relatives, one of my cousins from Brownsville — the most impoverished and crime-infested section of Brooklyn — leaned into me and asked, “What are the numbers next to the food? Initially, I thought they were joking. Then it hit me like a Nate Robinson opponent. They couldn’t recognize the prices because the numbers were void of dollar signs. I then flashed back to how their entire house ate since we were babies. They rarely, if ever, ate out at a restaurant. The menus they’re accustomed to are mostly Chinese takeout foldings or a large board above a fast food counter. How could they recognize pricing without dollar signs? How can anyone learn fine dining etiquette when socio-politically confined to a neighborhood with no fine dining? Especially when the majority of their meals outside of home are prepared behind a bulletproof window.

As mentioned before, React apps can get same-y. We often find ourselves maintaining the same behavior for lots of components, and hooks are a great way to reuse behavior and make maintenance and iteration speed lightning fast.

When writing a React Native app using React Navigation, we often run into a particular problem. In short, the device’s status bar is controlled by rendering a StatusBar component. But if we have an app with multiple screens, where more than one screen is rendered at once, rather than being lazy-loaded, this approach may fail. This is because rendering this StatusBar updates the config under the hood, but only reflects the state when it was last rendered. What this means is if your app has screens A and B, even if you have A visible, if B rendered after A, the status bar will have the config from screen B, which is wrong for screen A.

While reflecting on this topic one day, a question arose: Can I write React code that is aesthetically delightful while still keeping my productivity high? I know there are tremendously valuable answers to this question out there in the way of other programming languages and frameworks. All of those will have varying degrees of the same trade-offs, like how hard it is to learn, how much can I still benefit from the React ecosystem, how is the tooling around it, and so on. And all those trade-offs need to be measured differently depending on the project’s objective.

Luckily, the StatusBar module from React Native also exports imperative means of setting this config. So what if we could write a hook that makes these imperative calls when a screen focuses, so that we always have the right config? This is a hook I wrote for a project that does just so:

Naturally, if, for some reason, React is unpleasant to me, and I want to spend time coding for pleasure, the obvious thing to do is not to use React. And I don’t, most of the time. But code, as we know, has a multifaceted perspective: you have code, the artifact, lines full of symbols you input to the computer, but you also have the result of your code, its output, the real-life implication of the ideas you expressed using a programming language. And I care, and I can derive equal or even greater pleasure from seeing my code interact with the real world.

Now if the user changes their color preference in your app’s settings, or, for example, the sun sets and your phone’s color scheme changes, this StatusBar will be aware of it and match the rest of the app. Here obviously we’re not taking into account the other methods in the StatusBar API, which would be a welcome enhancement.

My answers to this question are more often than not something else that not React. But every once in a while, you compare every trade-off; you look at your project from different perspectives; you try to rethink the features you envisioned and the requirements you had; and still, at the end of the day, React will be your answer. With those cases in mind, I reframed the original question to: “how far can I go to make my React code more pleasing to view while still keeping it React code?”

The consequence is that sometimes, although I might find one programming language, or framework, or tool, unpleasant to see or use, it is the one I need to see my code taking the shape of something real in a reasonable time. Maybe this is due to some tooling, the big community creating things around it, or some other technical trait. Regardless of the reason, my coding-as-a-hobby time is scarce, and although I want it to be enjoyable, I also want to make the best of it, which means using things that do not always comply with my aesthetic standards. This is the case with React.

Now we can set the config on each screen with just a call to useStatusBar and it’ll always be correct when the screen becomes focused. This hook-based alternative helps keep your markup clear of rendering StatusBar in every screen.

React code is ugly. I’m not talking about any technical trait of the framework; I’m talking straightforward aesthetics, how the code looks on my screen, and the feelings it evokes.

Code aesthetic, in this sense, is not something developers are used to caring about. We have more important worries. Aesthetics are subjective, hard to measure and the benefits of chasing it are unclear. It is not often you’ll see a developer raising their hand and the midst of a Stand-up meeting to tell their peers they’re not pleased with how the code looks on their screen. And I’m not sure someone should, but I’m coming from a different perspective.

40% of the designers we heard from reported having to point out design decisions that excluded queer people to their colleagues. Many of them said it was exhausting to feel solely responsible for inclusive design but were also proud their perspectives as queer people allowed them to do it.

As mentioned before, React apps can get same-y. We often find ourselves maintaining the same behavior for lots of components, and hooks are a great way to reuse behavior and make maintenance and iteration speed lightning fast.

My considerations about React’s beauty started when working on a side-project. As most coders with coding as their profession and hobbies, the difference between work and leisure is defined by the amount of pleasure you take. Of course, we aim our careers at making both undistinguishable, and though sometimes they are, when they’re not, you still want at least your “coding for relaxation” hours to be as pleasant as possible.

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