Especially in the context of phone interviews, you may not get a complete problem specification. It may just be a few li

Author : fdido.did
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 05:52:51

Especially in the context of phone interviews, you may not get a complete problem specification. It may just be a few li

Because after all, this is all we seek in life: a feeling of importance. Our ego doesn’t just want to build a self-projection; it wants to build a self-projection in which the main character of the story (i.e. you!) is admired, desired, and fawned upon — ideally, on a mass scale. We don’t envision ourselves as being disliked or ignored. We want to be relevant to people, we want to feel important.

Some people are in a relationship only because of the feeling of importance they get from it: all of a sudden that banker or NBA player looks more attractive because of his status and in turn the feeling of importance someone may derive from being exposed to their circle.

to get sexy: if you buy a microfibre cloth, you can clean worktops using only water, saving money on cleaning products. Yep. I discovered this hack after being told my hob is ‘delicate’ and, turns out, these cloths are excellent. You just wet them, wring out the excess water, and are good to go/eat off the thing you just cleaned. It’s ideal if you’re the one in your shared flat who always ends up buying Flash and cleaning the kitchen. And you can get a 4-pack for £14.99 — a steal. Plus, while you’re saving money, you’ll also be saving the world; cleaning products, as it turns out, are pretty bad for the environment. Bonus.

This topic was vastly popularised by Daniel Carnegie’s 1936 bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People. Nevertheless, an array of philosophers before him elaborated on the topic. A few examples:

What society has to realise, especially those we consider Black communities, is that the term Black has changed over time and it is not a monolith. Blackness is fluid and it brings me to ask questions about the Multiracial identity of the Caribbean, an identity that goes back to enslavement. That in the Caribbean, there is an African presence; moreover, there is a European presence in the descendants of slaveowners, but also white Creoles that have lived on those islands for generations. It brings me to question the American presence as well. By American I don’t mean white Americans, I mean Indigenous American, including the descendants of Tainos and Arawaks (for example).

For the first twenty years of my life, I grew up believing myself to be monoracially Black. I was happy walking through society as a Black British person — comfortable in that. Finding out about my ancestors made my ideas of Black Britishness more complex. Not that I didn’t know I probably had white ancestors but because it was within living memories of my family, in addition to members of my family being Multiracial and I had no clue! Moreover, on my mom’s side of the family, simply looking at my grandmother, it is evident there is probably Indo-Caribbean heritage as well. Has this changed how I think of myself in relation to my race and my cultural identity?

‘‘Believe me, Socrates. You have only to look at humankind’s love of honour and you will be surprised at your absurdity regarding the matters I have just mentioned, unless you think about it and reflect how strongly people are affected by the desire to become famous and to lay up immortal glory for all time. For the sake of this they are prepared to run risks even more than for their children — spend their money, endure any kind of suffering, even die in the cause. [..] I think that it is for the sake of immortal fame and this kind of glorious reputation that everyone strives to the utmost, and the better they are the more they strive: for they desire what is immortal” — Discourse of Diotima to Socrates, Symposium, Plato

As it turns out, our ego doesn’t only want to build a self-projection of who we want to become. Given our optimistic nature, we are driven to build a positive self-projection, one in which we are depicted as a successful individual, someone who has achieved her passions, dreams, career goals, relationship goals etc.

“Why is it, for instance, that an orator who knows that he has written a good speech, and has fixed it in his memory, and is bringing an attractive voice to the task, still feels anxious nonetheless? Because he is not content merely to practice his art. What else does he want, then? To receive praise from his audience” — Discourse 2.16, Discourses, Epictetus

Point 1: The books we read, the movies we watch, the family we are born in, the people we frequent, the experiences we make in life, (the accounts we follow on Instagram..sadly..) etc., all serve to build our personality, our dreams, an image of our self looking forward (i.e. our self-projection). Once I have elaborated my self-projection I will act in order to match it with reality, performing actions in order to achieve that image, convinced that is where happiness resides.

We buy a Ferrari or a fancy classic car because we like the feeling that we get when driving it. We like when people turn to look at us. If all of a sudden all the human beings except you would go extinct (think Will Smith in the movie I Am Legend) you wouldn’t care about what car to drive.

In “adopting” Multiracial individuals into the Black historical narratives without thinking about other parts of their racial, cultural and / or ethnic identities, we are missing opportunities to have vital discussions about not only Multiracial identity but also class and Whiteness. It pushes me back into thinking about Mister Street, Great-Grandma Jessica and then my Grandma Val, passing on this Multiracial identity to me. We are missing vital conversations with white people that may have Black ancestors but also the number of Black people with white ancestors, pertinently Black Europeans, or as Johny Pitts says in his book “Afropean.” The number of Afropeans with white ancestry. When we begin to unpick this a bit more, we can see that many of us have really interesting genealogies and that nobody can “look Mixed-Race” (stereotypically lighter skin and looser hair). Additionally, light-skinned Black people can be stereotyped as Multiracial tells me the common denominator is that Mixed-Race people must have lighter skin.” Yet, plenty who have monoracially Black parents also have lighter skin tones.

What about Jewish, Chinese, Indian and Lebanese people? Jewish and Lebanese communities came to Jamaica (for example) as part of the merchant trading class, and Indian and Chinese people came as indentured labourers after the end of enslavement in 1838 in order to fill the new labour market made in hindsight of abolition. And so, these immigrant settlers had interracial relationships with the locals and created Multiracial communities.

Of late, I have been witnessing numerous conversations about who is / isn’t Black. Like most identities, Black isn’t one a person gets to choose. I have met Multiracial people that look like me who would identify as Black, and others that call themselves Mixed-Race. Many of my Mixed-Race friends and colleagues identify as Multiracial, especially those that grew up in split families. Some have been made to feel othered by both society and White and Black relatives. But some are also quite proudly Mixed-Race. In these spaces, more could be done to talk about fluidity of Blackness, especially historically. Blackness is a constant and as society becomes more diverse, definitions of Blackness will shift again. However, one of the issues I have, is not that Multiracial Black-racialised figures are included in Black History Month campaigns, but by including these individuals, there is no gesture or want to discuss Blackness as fluid, which would also mean that Black History has multiple identities. These figures’ Mixed identities are rarely discussed. In Britain, there has been lots of focus on both Walter Tull and Mary Seacole, who I’d argue have become establishment, representative of ‘good Black history.’ They had jobs that are considered respectable — one in the military and the other in the healthcare system— and both of them had Anglicised names that are easy to say.

All else equal, we choose company X over company Y if company X has a more prestigious brand, because it makes us feel more important to work for company X, it elevates our status.

Category : general

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