It’s easy to make excuses — it saves you having to act — but where is that going to get you? Absolutely nowhere. You mig

Author : tana.houwa
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 20:15:25

It’s easy to make excuses — it saves you having to act — but where is that going to get you? Absolutely nowhere. You mig

“When things get tough and dark — which is frequent when you’re an entrepreneur — I remember something that I realized growing up in Upson, Georgia. It’s something that I said to a bunch of friends when we were lost roaming around in the woods. I said ‘guys, no one’s coming.’ [laughs] That doesn’t sound very positive or anything, I’m sorry, but it’s something you have to realize: no one’s coming! It’s up to us! When you’re an entrepreneur, no one’s really gonna come to help you. It’s up to you to figure out what you have to do to get out of the mess. But if you do get out of the mess, you will have a lot of people joining you. […] I say it to myself all the time.”

Ben’s first hire and (supposedly technical) co-founder, Dan Kurzius, lied about knowing how to code on his interview. After he got the job, he put together the prototype for MailChimp using “HTML for Dummies” books. Dan tried so hard he actually produced (or stole) clean, functional code which amazed Ben. Only 10 years later did the co-founder tell Ben about his improvisation.

The low-profile co-founder, Dan Kurzius, does regular anonymous visits to the small businesses that use MailChimp — from yoga studios to warehouses. This way, the company gets invaluable feedback — like the fact that many businesses use MailChimp as a CRM and not an email tool. It does make things a little weird when the biggest critics later learn they’ve been talking to the co-founder at MailChimp events.

That was in 2013, and since then I’ve become a published author, a keynote speaker, a business owner, a life change strategist, and lecturer at the top two universities in Ireland, all while pursuing a Ph.D. in a subject that I love.

science jobs mushroomed. But at the same time, landing a decent position in this field remains notoriously challenging especially for novices. This is because of the subtle difference between data science in theory and real-life data science that is correlated with the problems businesses deal with on a day-to-day basis.

However, imagine if these powers had pushed through? Humanity then would’ve closed its doors to further explorations of the vastness of the universe. I don’t think Neil Armstrong could have landed safely if any of these plans had gone ahead. Additionally, the children he mesmerized by his landing would’ve never been inspired to become the physicists and scientists they are today.

Seven years ago, my life was in the gutter. But after 15 years of addiction, a near-death experience finally gave me the wakeup call I needed. After several months in detox and treatment, I began reading about personal growth, and one line, in particular, hit me square in the face:

Having lost my entire adult life to addiction, mostly through inaction, it felt like I’d nothing to lose by going in the opposite direction. So instead of sitting at home and pitying myself about lost years, I followed the advice of Mr. Jefferson and went out and got busy.

“When things get tough and dark — which is frequent when you’re an entrepreneur — I remember something that I realized growing up in Upson, Georgia. It’s something that I said to a bunch of friends when we were lost roaming around in the woods. I said ‘guys, no one’s coming.’ [laughs] That doesn’t sound very positive or anything, I’m sorry, but it’s something you have to realize: no one’s coming! It’s up to us! When you’re an entrepreneur, no one’s really gonna come to help you. It’s up to you to figure out what you have to do to get out of the mess. But if you do get out of the mess, you will have a lot of people joining you. […] I say it to myself all the time.”

However, imagine if these powers had pushed through? Humanity then would’ve closed its doors to further explorations of the vastness of the universe. I don’t think Neil Armstrong could have landed safely if any of these plans had gone ahead. Additionally, the children he mesmerized by his landing would’ve never been inspired to become the physicists and scientists they are today.

Ben confirmed he’s rejected a billion-dollar acquisition offer from an unspecified company. In his defense, he says that “a billion dollars isn’t that much more than a few hundred million.”

One of Ben’s favorite books is Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl was a psychiatrist who survived a concentration camp during Holocaust. In the book, he documents how prisoners find meaning and purpose even in the most inhumane conditions.

If we were keeping tabs, the Soviet space program had many more “firsts” than NASA’s. They sent the first-ever person to space, the first-ever satellite into the universe, and the first-ever spacecraft to orbit the moon. Fortunately, they too gave up on nuking it.

Our son (9yo) confided in us recently that the only reason he came to live with us is that he wanted to get away from his previous foster parent. I don’t blame him, she was abusive, and I’m happy we can give him a safe place to live. However, he has confessed that he doesn’t think of us as his parents or his family. He’s been with us for a year.

Ben’s motto is love what you do vs. the traditional do what you love. He says that eventually all passions fade away if you turn them into profession, and the only way to keep your sense of purpose is by learning to appreciate the craft you’re good at.

Category : general

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