Japan Have Chocolate to Help Sleep Deep and Wake Up Fresh

Author : nicolegarabag6
Publish Date : 2021-05-25 09:43:32

Japan Have Chocolate to Help Sleep Deep and Wake Up Fresh

Sleep is an important thing the body needs to rest and replenish energy. Not surprisingly, difficulty sleeping is a serious problem that cannot be underestimated.

It's no secret that Japan has a myriad of smart foods and drinks that are not only filling but nutritious. One of the unique foods in Japan is chocolate for deep sleep.

This was shared by an Indonesian woman living in Japan through the TikTok account @ mikakubo911. The chocolate is named GABA for Sleep and is priced at 193 Yen or around Rp.26 thousand.
This chocolate claims to make you sleep better and wake up fresher in the morning. Eat 3 of these chocolate chips before bed, and you will feel the benefits.
Mika also took the chocolate because she often had trouble sleeping at night. The three chocolate chips contain 71 calories.

When going to sleep, Mika also tries to eat 3 pieces of chocolate. Sure enough, it didn't take him long to fall asleep and became more soundly.

He also said that usually when he woke up he would feel tired. When he ate the chocolate, he felt fresher than usual.

# Five Reasons Potatoes Are Good For Body Health
In some countries, potatoes are considered a bad and unhealthy staple food. This happens because potatoes are high in carbohydrates which are at risk of causing high blood pressure.

In fact, the stigma arises because potatoes are generally processed in unhealthy ways, such as frying them into french fries or being processed into chips.

Things to remember, potatoes basically contain vitamins and nutrients that are good for health. Here are five reasons why potatoes are very good for consumption as quoted from Medicalxpres.
itamin C
Not just oranges, potatoes are also an important source of vitamin C. The average small potato (150g) has about 15 percent of the daily vitamin C. Vitamin C itself is important for supporting immune function. In fact, vitamin C plays an important role in forming connective tissue as well as helping joint work and dental health.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is an important co-factor for small molecules in the body. This vitamin helps more than 100 enzymes function in the body, it also breaks down proteins for proper nerve function. Not only that, the B6 content in potatoes has also been linked to maintaining good mental health.


Potassium in cells is essential for transmitting electrical signals to muscles and nerves. If the potassium level is too high or too low, it can stop the heart from working. Such as baked potatoes and french fries, are said to contain higher levels of potassium than boiled and mashed potatoes. In addition, people with kidney disease who are getting rid of excess potassium, may need to limit the amount of potatoes consumed.
Choline is a small compound that attaches to fat to make phospholids, cell walls, and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This can help tone muscles, dilate blood vessels, and slow down the heart rate. It is said, potatoes have high choline levels after other protein-rich foods, one of which is meat and soybeans.
Therefore, consuming adequate choline is very important for the brain, nerves, and muscles. In addition, potatoes contain about 10 percent of daily choline needs, as well as important for pregnant women because the baby in the womb can grow new cells and organs.

Gluten free
Potatoes are naturally gluten-free, so they are great for preventing celiac disease. This is similar to sweet potatoes, which have a lower glycemic index that prevents blood sugar spikes. In fact, sweet potatoes are also good for weight control and appetite. Although the calories and carbohydrates are higher than potatoes, sweet potatoes and potatoes both have beta carotene. One of them is vitamin A.

# Tips for a Healthy Diet for Busy People
Daily diet greatly affects your overall health. A healthy diet will provide the body with energy for activities and nutrients to carry out various functions.

Conversely, improper diet can cause digestive problems, make weight fluctuate, and increase the risk of disease. So, what about a healthy diet, especially for people who are super busy?
Maybe the principle of "4 Healthy 5 Perfect" has become a slogan that keeps ringing in your mind. However, over time and the development of science, this slogan is no longer in accordance with today's life.

The Indonesian Ministry of Health has now issued a replacement, namely the Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition (PGS). PGS applies the principle of consuming a variety of foods accompanied by physical activity, clean living habits, and regular weight monitoring.

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