Correlations are useful to help explore a new dataset. By using seaborn’s heatmap we easily saw where the strongest correlations are. Now you can go to Kaggle and check out a few more datasets to see what other correlations might spark your interest!
Some patients who experience a needless shock to the heart will suffer no obvious or immediate side effects. Some may have psychological side effects, like anxiety or depression related to the fear the device will shock them again. And then there are the more serious consequences. In 2017, Boston Scientific disclosed that a patient had died when their ICD malfunctioned. The device’s memory had been corrupted after exposure to radiation similar to what someone might be exposed to in radiation treatment for cancer. But the patient hadn’t received any such treatment, and Boston Scientific wasn’t able to establish where this exposure might’ve come from. The FDA’s public database of medical device reports contains pages of entries regarding the deaths of ICD and pacemaker patients, citing everything from lead fracture to memory failure, but these reports often decline to cite a device problem as firmly causal in a patient’s death. It is hard to pin down a number of deaths related directly to ICDs because autopsies are rarely performed, and U.S. law requires family consent for device removal after death.
print(correlations['Year']) // ID -0.254391 Year 1.000000 IMDb -0.021181 Rotten Tomatoes -0.057137 Netflix 0.258533 Hulu 0.098009 Prime Video -0.253377 Disney -0.046819 Runtime 0.081984
For the general public, concerns around medical device cybersecurity first emerged in 2008, not long after the debut of remote monitoring. But I and hundreds of thousands of other patients were never given the option of a custom ICD with the wireless function disabled. Instead, we live with the knowledge that it could be hacked, with few people taking our concerns seriously.
Correlations are useful to help explore a new dataset. By using seaborn’s heatmap we easily saw where the strongest correlations are. Now you can go to Kaggle and check out a few more datasets to see what other correlations might spark your interest!
Friends, acquaintances, hobbies… All this has been flushed down the drain for the past… at least 5 years. So I do intend on reconnecting with friends, because I believe one thing: true friends will always stay, even if you get back to them after years of being off the radar. And for all the other ones that can’t care enough, well, screw them. I can’t care enough either.”
Have you heard the one about Dick Cheney? Talk to a cardiac device patient long enough and they’re bound to bring it up. The former vice president first got an ICD in 2001. In 2007, as the battery ran down, he needed to have it replaced. At the time, Cheney was a candidate to be one of the first patients to wear an ICD with wireless monitoring. But there was a problem: national security. Even before independent hackers raised the alarm, his doctors were worried that a potential terrorist could gain access and trigger the ICD to shock him to death. Cheney and his doctor decided to disable the wireless function before implantation, which required a custom adjustment from Medtronic.
Cheney’s special treatment wasn’t disclosed until 2013, when he and his cardiologist collaborated on a book about his heart saga titled — what else — Heart. The sensationalism of the claim, that the vice president could invite a terror attack through his own heart, made it somehow easier for doctors and manufacturers to dismiss the concerns of average patients. Who are you to worry? You’re not Dick Cheney, after all.
The company took more than a year and a half to respond to the security concerns flagged by Rios and Butts and was apparently reluctant to offer solutions. “They are more interested in protecting their brand than their patients,” Rios told CNBC at the time. In an article from CBS News, Butts put it bluntly: “We’ve yet to find a device that we’ve looked at that we haven’t been able to hack.”ğlu-v-ankara-demirspor-v-tr-tr-1yzd-23.phpğlu-v-ankara-demirspor-v-tr-tr-1ydj-5.phpğlu-v-ankara-demirspor-v-tr-tr-1jgt-3.phpğlu-v-ankara-demirspor-v-tr-tr-1bzw-7.php
his voice. You know that twang when you hear that accent like, ‘Oh, I know he doesn’t wear his mask.’ I don’t know why poor white people don’t like wearing masks. What is the problem? You wear a mask to the Klan rally, wear it to Wal-Mart too. Wear your Klan to Wal-Mart so we can all feel safe.Bringing your UX skills to the physical world is an option that has intrigued me for several years. Every day I encounter non-digital experiences that could be improved by thinking through the user’s end-to-end experience. For example, Trader Joe’s doesn’t put signs above each aisle to tell customers where to find the items on their list. I’m sure they do this on purpose so that we wander around the store aimlessly and end up with a full cart, but this is a dark pattern. We need proper navigation and information architecture, not more pumpkin pancake mix (albeit delicious).
With strong positive and negative correlations between ID and two of the platforms it appears, the data was added sequentially with Netflix first and Prime Video last. If we are going to use this data to build a model it would be best to shuffle it before splitting into test and training data.
Devices misfire, sans hacking, all the time. A 2017 study published by the American Heart Association found that during a two-year period, about 10% of ICD patients experienced shocks of some kind. But within that population, 38% of shocks delivered by the device were inappropriate—meaning patients were cardioverted or defibrillated when they didn’t need to be.
Yikes! That is a lot of numbers. The output has too many columns making it hard to read. This is only the correlations for 9 variables which results in a 9x9 grid. Can you imagine looking at 20 or 30? It would be very difficult.
To be clear: There is no documented evidence that a patient’s ICD or pacemaker has ever been hacked for malicious purposes. But the potential for hacking is hardly theoretical. What exists for now are two parts of an equation that have been proven independently: 1) Devices can be hacked; and 2) devices can cause unintentional and catastrophic harm. Put together, they would equal an opportunity for direct control over a patient’s life and safety in a way never previously seen in medicine.
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