Overall, I’d encourage all React developers to learn about all of the powerful features that the Web Platform has to offer. Oftentimes, they will make your components simpler, more maintainable, and more robust. Your team (and your customers) will thank you! ❤️,I’m not saying that you should never use hooks; in fact, I use React hooks all the time! But in certain cases, class components make your code more readable and maintainable.,Most of the time, this shows up in what’s called a data race, where one concurrent operation attempts to read a variable while at some undetermined time another concurrent operation is attempting to write to the same variable.,As the Universal App Platform matures, we will be looking at new opportunities to deliver more compelling, personalised, and rich experiences to our audience, as well as understanding what future opportunities our Universal App Platform can support for products looking to be cross-platform.,If you’re planning to post about sensitive topics like a protest, you might consider taking a similar approach by creating a separate social media account and populating it with a fake version of your face. That way, sensitive content won’t be linked back to your real face and won’t be available to those who might search for your face on a platform like Clearview’s. Always check the terms of service of your social network before uploading a fake face; Twitter, for example, does not allow fake faces if they’re used for deceptive purposes. If you’re using the fake to protect your right to unimpeded free speech, you’re likely fine.,A race condition occurs when two or more operations must execute in the correct order, but the program has not been written so that this order is guaranteed to be maintained.,One anti-pattern I have seen a lot is what I call over-reliance on conditional rendering. For example, it is incredibly easy to hide a component in 2 lines of JS in React:,Editor’s Note: Concurrency is one of the hardest concepts for many developers to grasp, but it is an important concept to grasp in modern software development. In this excerpt from the first chapter of her book Concurrency in Go, Katherine Cox-Buday discusses one of the most common issues with concurrent programming: race conditions.,In a similar use case, the company has worked with investigative journalists, using a related tool to create fake faces for sources who wish to remain anonymous. The fake face can give a journalist (and their readers) a sense of the source’s age, skin color, hair length, and other key elements of their appearance, while ensuring that their real identity remains protected. (Journalists who use this tactic to protect their sources should acknowledge in their story that the face is a fake and is being used to protect a sensitive identity.) Clearview AI downloads millions of images from news articles and social media sites, so including fake faces in sensitive articles is a good way to prevent Clearview from indexing a source’s face and linking it back to a sensitive article.,Overall, I’d encourage all React developers to learn about all of the powerful features that the Web Platform has to offer. Oftentimes, they will make your components simpler, more maintainable, and more robust. Your team (and your customers) will thank you! ❤️,Dating profiles, Generated Media says, are a prime example. If you’re creating an online dating profile, you can grab a fake image from Generated Media’s Anonymizer and use it in place of your real face. The image would give a good sense of your appearance — if you met someone special and later chose to reveal your real face, they hopefully wouldn’t feel catfished. But until you chose to reveal the real you, the fake face would prevent the cyberstalkers who frequent dating sites from knowing your exact appearance and targeting you IRL.,Fortunately everyone runs into the same issues when working with concurrent code. Because of this, computer scientists have been able to label the common issues, which allows us to discuss how they arise, why, and how to solve them.,Concurrent code is notoriously difficult to get right. It usually takes a few iterations to get it working as expected, and even then it’s not uncommon for bugs to exist in code for years before some change in timing (heavier disk utilization, more users logged into the system, etc.) causes a previously undiscovered bug to rear its head. Indeed, for this very book, I’ve gotten as many eyes as possible on the code to try and mitigate this.,However, this can often lead to jarring user experiences since components pop in and out of existence instantly. Instead, I prefer to use conditional classnames and CSS to create a smoother UX.,This suggests another use case for the system. The Anonymizer’s killer app may not necessarily be creating face clones that your contacts will believe are actually you. Rather, the system may be best for situations where you want to give a sense of your appearance to a person you’ve never met before, while keeping your actual appearance anonymous.
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