Note, databases use a query optimizer to optimize the execution of a query. The optimizer might change the order of some

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Publish Date : 2021-01-07 15:57:19

Note, databases use a query optimizer to optimize the execution of a query. The optimizer might change the order of some

Black Friday is usually all about mindless consumerism, but this year, many are calling for consumers to “reclaim” the day by their money where their mouths are and using it to elevate marginalized voices.

The cheapest clothes leverage disenfranchised communities to work for pennies on the dollar; goods available at your local supermarket that would otherwise be found halfway across the world are trialed with sizable carbon footprints; fast shipping — like Amazon Prime’s one- and two-day options— takes a serious toll on the mental and physical health of fulfillment center employees.

I didn’t take the time for a tutorial that would explain the basics and the power of Window Functions. Consequently, I avoided them and the queries became overcomplicated. Then bugs creep in.

upporting Nestor’s finding is a 2014 study in the International Journal of Psychophysiology, which found that “Breathing at a rate of 5.5 breaths per minute with equal inhalation-to-exhalation ratio increases heart rate variability.” And increased heart rate variability is a good thing. According to the Harvard Health blog, a higher heart rate variability indicates the nervous system is more balanced and the person is more relaxed.

Happy Black Friday — a holiday centered around our love for consumerism, in which we get sucked into sales (usually at big-box stores) and start racking up gifts for the holidays. Black Friday — called so because it’s the day retailers traditionally get out of yearlong deficits—has become an odd consumer-driven holiday, especially now amid the coronavirus… when Cyber Monday’s digital shopping landscape has far more appeal.

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT t1.*, t2.price, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION by some_id ORDER BY timestamp_field) as row_count FROM table1 AS t1 JOIN table2 AS t2 ON COALESCE(t1.string_field, ') = COALESCE(t2.string_field, ') ) WHERE row_count = 1

SELECT customerID, productID, SUM(price) AS sales, SUM(SUM(price)) OVER (PARTITION BY customerID) AS sales_all FROM sales_table GROUP BY customerID, productID ORDER BY customerID, productID

In the first example, I use 0 for all products that are not from the US, which lowers the overall average price. If there would be many non-US products, the average could get close to 0.

It turned out that many entries in the table 1 and table 2 had string_field column with NULL values. I thought that JOIN would keep records with NULL values because NULL is equal to NULL, isn’t it?

In the second example, I calculate the average price only with products that are sold in the US, which is usually what we want. Note, you don’t need to include ELSE when using CASE WHEN as it defaults to NULL.

You can breakdown a complex query and create multiple temporary tables. Then you can run “sanity check” queries against those tables to make sure they contain correct entries. I highly recommend this approach when designing a new non-trivial query or report.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sales_table; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE sales_table ( key varchar(6), customerID varchar(10), productID varchar(10), price float );

You can breakdown a complex query and create multiple temporary tables. Then you can run “sanity check” queries against those tables to make sure they contain correct entries. I highly recommend this approach when designing a new non-trivial query or report.

I wrote a query similar at its core to the query in the image above. When I was performing data validation, many records were missing. How is this possible? It is such a simple JOIN!

But let’s be clear: The desire to spend money on things at the intersection of affordability, convenience, and speed all have very human and environmental costs. The whole idea of consumerism is inherently racist and predatory.

Category : general

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