Python 3 (the latest version) has now firmly become the default version of the language for most applications as support

Author : 9leb
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 05:36:02

Python 3 (the latest version) has now firmly become the default version of the language for most applications as support

“The day has already begun to lessen. It has shrunk considerably, but yet will still allow a goodly space of time if one rises, so to speak, with the day itself. We are more industrious, and we are better men if we anticipate the day and welcome the dawn.” — Seneca

The Stoics borrowed a practice from the Pythagoreans, of walking at dawn and witnessing the stars going down and the sun coming up. This humbled them at the start of their day, reminding them of how small their place in the world is. It also reminds one of the workings of the cosmos, and the universe, and therefore sympatheia — our connection with the universe and everything in it. It reminds us to pass over our control to what the universe has in store for us — our place within the bigger plan.

The Stoics were big on meditation, although not the standard practice we are accustomed to today. It is important in the morning to be able to sit or go for a walk in silence, listen to what is going on in your body and mind, gather your thoughts, and reflect on the day ahead.

“Sympatheia is an invitation to us to take a step back, zoom out and see life from a higher vantage point than our own. It changes our value judgments, weakens the power that luxury and temptation have over us, reduces the seemingly insurmountable differences between people and races and turns the worries of daily life from anxiety attacks to absurdities.”

getting stressed, you can use it as an opportunity to practice non-reactivity. If you fail at something, you can use it as a chance to learn a valuable lesson. You can also use challenging relationships as a chance to practice tolerance, compassion, or even your perspective-taking skills.

“People look for retreats for themselves, in the country, by the coast, or in the hills. There is nowhere that a person can find a more peaceful and trouble-free retreat than in his own mind. . . . So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself.”

“Birds that are being prepared for the banquet, that they may be easily fattened through lack of exercise, are kept in darkness; and similarly, if men vegetate without physical activity, their idle bodies are overwhelmed with flesh, and in their self-satisfied retirement the fat of indolence grows upon them…But this, to my thinking, would be among the least of their evils. How much more darkness there is in their souls! Such a man is internally dazed.”

The Stoic life centred around habits and routines — practices in which they engaged daily, from their waking moments until going to sleep, that provided the structure necessary for a day lived well. These practices can provide a blueprint for us, to help us to lead good and happy lives. This article outlines these practices, and how you can structure your day like a Stoic thousands of years later.

There are still some cases where data scientists may use R but generally speaking if you are doing applied data science these days, then Python is going to be the most valuable programming language to learn.

Most of the products I’ve highlighted are product bait. They’ve generated real sales, both through indirect traffic to other products, and people paying for joke products. Come to the dark side.

The Stoics believed in rising with the sun. As Seneca states, we are more productive and better people when we wake up in time to greet the sun. This also allows more time for the morning practices that will follow, as well as the stillness that only the early morning can provide, to ensure you are well set up for a day lived well.

But upon further thought, I admire its resourcefulness. You’ll get more bang for your buck in the long run. It’s rather innovative. Scarcity is certainly a source of demand.

If we view each day as a bonus day — to live, to love, to do the things we love — we can’t help but experience gratitude. Viewing each day in this way will ensure that you live your day well.

Most of the products I’ve highlighted are product bait. They’ve generated real sales, both through indirect traffic to other products, and people paying for joke products. Come to the dark side.

We must always remind ourselves of the privilege of being alive, and be grateful for all that we have been given. Remind yourself of this when you wake up. Marcus Aurelius said,

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