Ring programming language version 1.14 is released!

Author : usitvhd
Publish Date : 2021-04-03 09:35:54

Ring programming language version 1.14 is released!

What is new in Ring 1.14?

In this chapter we will learn about the changes and new features in Ring 1.14 release.
List of changes and new features

Ring 1.14 comes with the next features!

    MyCoffee (Web Application)

    Web Development Samples

    More Samples

    Erlang B Formula

    Customers Form

    RingTilengine Extension

    RingLibui Extension

    RingSockets Extension

    RingThreads Extension

    Better RingOpenSSL

    More Functions

    Better Functions

    Better Performance For Strings

    Better Handling For Numbers

    Using CLOC (Count Lines of Code)

    More Improvements

MyCoffee (Web Application)

A web application that uses the WebLib library and PostgreSQL database

Screen Shots:
MyCoffee1 MyCoffee2 MyCoffee3
Web Development Samples

Starting from lesson 301, the Hassouna Course provides lessons about web development.

These lessons uses the WebLib library for Back-end web development.

Special YouTube playlist for these lessons:


The samples are added to this folder:


Screen Shot:

    Calculator Sample

Web Sample 1
More Samples

The next samples are added to the samples folder

        ring/samples/UsingQML/sample12 folder

        ring/samples/General/TimeServer folder

        ring/samples/General/BinarokuGame folder

        ring/samples/Language/EnumGenerator folder

        ring/samples/Language/DynamicObject folder


Screen Shots:
Matrix Multiplication Qt Quick 3D
Erlang B Formula

An application that uses the Erlang B Formula (Circuit Switching Systems)
Customers Form

An application that uses SQLite and TableWidget

The Use Interface is provided in Arabic, English & French
RingTilengine Extension

This extension provides support for Tilengine - The 2D retro graphics engine with raster effects


load "tilengine.ring"

TLN_Init(400, 240, 1, 0, 0)
foreground = TLN_LoadTilemap ("Sonic_md_fg1.tmx", NULL)
TLN_SetLayerTilemap(0, foreground)

TLN_CreateWindow(NULL, 0)
while TLN_ProcessWindow()


Screen Shots:
tilengine tilengine tilengine tilengine
RingLibui Extension

This extension provides complete support for Libui

Using this extension we can develop and distribute lightweight GUI Applications using Ring (Less than 1 MB)

Runtime files and their size

    Ring.dll (448 KB)

    Libui.dll (210 KB)

    Ring_Libui.dll (633 KB)

    Total : 1,291 KB without compressing the files

    After compressing the files (To ZIP file) - Total : 504 KB


load "libui.ring"

oWindow = uiNewWindow( "Say Hello", 500, 80, True)

lbl1 = uiNewLabel("Name: ")
text1 = uiNewEntry()

btn1 = uiNewButton("SayHello")

btn2 = uiNewButton("Close")

lbl2 = uiNewLabel("")

g = uiNewGrid() uiGridSetPadded(g, 1) uiWindowSetChild(oWindow, g)
uiGridAppend(g, lbl1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, uiAlignCenter, 0, uiAlignCenter)
uiGridAppend(g, text1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill)
uiGridAppend(g, btn1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill)
uiGridAppend(g, btn2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill)
uiGridAppend(g, lbl2, 0, 3, 2, 1, 1, uiAlignCenter, 0, uiAlignCenter)

uiControlShow( oWindow )

func sayHello
        uiLabelSetText(lbl2,"Hello " + uiEntryText(text1))

func closeApp

Screen Shots:
RingLibui Screen Shot RingLibui Screen Shot RingLibui Screen Shot RingLibui Screen Shot
RingSockets Extension

In Ring, We have sockets using different extensions like RingQt, RingLibuv and RingLibSDL

In this release we provide a special extension for sockets

This will be useful if your application doesn’t use the previous libraries

Example (Server Code)


load "sockets.ring"

sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)
ns = accept(sock)
send(ns,"Hello Client")
msg = recv(ns,1024)
? "Client Say >> " + msg
? "Socket connection closed"

Example (Client Code)

# TCP Client

load "sockets.ring"

sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)

send(sock,"Hello Server")
msg = recv(sock,1024)
? "Server Say >> " + msg

? "Socket connection closed"

RingThreads Extension

In Ring, We have threads using different extensions like RingQt, RingLibuv and RingAllegro

In this release we provide a special extension for threads

This will be useful if your application doesn’t use the previous libraries


load "threads.ring"

func main

        nThreads = 2
        aList = list(nThreads)

        for x=1 to nThreads
                aList[x] = new_thrd_t()

        for x=1 to nThreads
                res= 0

        ? :Done

func Hello x

        for r=1 to 100
                ? "Message from the Hello("+x+") function"

Better RingOpenSSL

The next functions are added to the RingOpenSSL extension

These functions compute the hash of large files/data without the need to load all of the content in a single string.

md5init() -> MD5_CTX
md5update (MD5_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
md5final (MD5_CTX) -> string

sha1init() -> SHA_CTX
sha1update (SHA_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha1final (SHA_CTX) -> string

sha224init() -> SHA224_CTX
sha224update (SHA224_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha224final (SHA224_CTX) -> string

sha256init() -> SHA256_CTX
sha256update (SHA256_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha256final (SHA256_CTX) -> string

sha384init() -> SHA384_CTX
sha384update (SHA384_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha384final (SHA384_CTX) -> string

sha512init() -> SHA512_CTX
sha512update (SHA512_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha512final (SHA512_CTX) -> string

More Functions

    DirExists() Function

DirExists(cDirPath) ---> returns 1 if the directory exists

    GetPathType() Function

GetPathType(cPath) ---> 0 if the path doesn't exists
                        1 if it corresponds to existing file
                        2 if it corresponds to existing directory
                        -1 if the path exists but has
                           an unknown type (e.g. a pipe)

    SysSet() Function

We can set environment variables using the SysSet() function

SysSet(cVariable, cValue) ---> Returns 1 for success and return 0 for failure

    SysUnset() Function

We can delete an environment variables using the SysUnset() function

SysUnset(cVariable) ---> Returns 1 for success and return 0 for failure

    GetArch() Function

We can detect the architecture of the Ring executable using the GetArch() function


GetArch() ---> cString (The name of the architecture of the Ring executable)


switch getarch()
on "x86"
        ? "x86 32bit architecture"
on "x64"
        ? "x64 64bit architecture"
on "arm64"
        ? "ARM64 64bit architecture"
on "arm"
        ? "ARM 32bit architecture"
        ? "Unknown architecture"

    NofProcessors() Function

We can detect the number of processors using the NofProcessors() Function


NofProcessors() ---> nProcessors


? NofProcessors()

Better Functions

    Log() Function

The functions is updated to support calculating the logarithm to any base


Log(nNumber)       --> logarithm of nNumber to the base of e
Log(nNumber,nBase) --> logarithm of nNumber to the base of nBase


? log(10)       # 2.30
? log(2)        # 0.69
? log(10,10)    # 1
? log(2,2)  

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