Rugged individualism is at the heart of America’s Covid-19 response, and it also explains the ironic loneliness of livin

Author : njackson.ruedas.5
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 07:27:32

Rugged individualism is at the heart of America’s Covid-19 response, and it also explains the ironic loneliness of livin

Collaborating with fans can be a tricky task, given the need to moderate user-generated content, and most entertainment brands today understandably want to protect their franchises and brands. However, the nature of content creation has been shifting. With the rise of democratized digital creativity, the most popular content could come from anywhere — professional content studios and TikTok stars are placed on a leveled playing field to compete for audience attention, both at the mercy of algorithmic feeds and recommendations. Recently, TikTok users came together to create a crowdsourced musical based on Pixar’s Ratatouille. Similar initiatives will inevitably pop up in the metaverse, whether the IP-owners like it or not.

I used to love having this choice — the convenience, the variety, and most of all, the freedom. Now, I dream of more substantive co-living arrangements, like the mixed-income social housing communities in Vienna, where residents have their own flats but congregate for community dinners and basically run the building together. In America, we tend to cohabitate out of economic necessity first and foremost. In Vienna and other cities that aren’t afflicted by manufactured scarcity in housing, living with people is something you choose. You have to want that closeness to other adults and the compromises that come with co-living.

Therefore, it may become a fool’s errand trying to stamp out unauthorized fan creations in future metaverses. To withhold from tapping into this growing source of creativity may be a big missed opportunity. Brands can choose to refrain from monetizing user-generated content for brand safety reasons, but it might be a better approach to engage the fandoms and grant access to IP assets, and leverage said access to moderate user-generated content and experiences in the metaverse.

Owning — and sharing — my imperfections means that they can’t be used to wound me. I skip reacting emotionally when I’m called a name by some rando with a complex, or given an uncharitable review by someone who would rather see me fail. Owning my imperfections means that I can tell my manager what I’m struggling with and ask for her help in furthering my growth areas. It means I can come to the table with humility and collaboration rather than a need to prove myself to a colleague. It means I can take accountability when my husband or kids call me out for being distracted or irritable.

Last but certainly not the least, the rise of metaverse will enable fans to create their own narratives out of existing IP, taking things like fan fiction and fan edits to a logical next stage of their evolution. The open-world-ness of the metaverse naturally encourages users to create new characters and stories, but it also invites users to engage with existing IP via interactions or even roleplaying, authorized or not.

Before you think this is another tutorial on designing ebooks and hocking courses for a middling email list, think again, my friends. Our clients deleted pdf files. They didn’t have time for courses since they were taking conference calls from the toilet. No, I’m talking about repackaging your services to deliver speed, convenience, or value, or possibly all of the above. Give people alternative routes to get to their desired destination.

Over the course of two years, we sold brand workshops, one-off site redesigns, customer segmentation, brand equity studies and site audits. For clients who didn’t want to retain us, we packaged our brains and sold them, Three-card Monte style, in the streets.

The greatest concessions I’ve asked of roommates are nothing compared to “don’t go to the gym all winter” or “stop having sex until the R0 is below 1.0.” You can’t ask roommates to make those sacrifices, even if you should. Because in America, having roommates means getting to choose between hanging out with the built-in community sharing your living room and spending no-questions-asked time to yourself in whatever space you’re afforded.

We will always be works in progress. There is a better version of ourselves tomorrow, next week, next year. But it starts with acknowledging all the aspects of who we are today.

I realized, suddenly, that household history was repeating itself. Covid-19 was roaring back, and the three of us were adjusting to the bad news at varied paces. I was ready to hunker down until the curve started flattening again. Johnny and Claire were not. And there was nothing I could do to change that.

So, just like back in March, I left again, this time for a friend’s granny flat in New Hampshire. I’m not sure how long I’ll be here for. I can’t afford to pay rent for multiple apartments at once. I also don’t want desperation to be my catalyst for moving altogether. And I’m kind of embarrassed. Running from your shared apartment seems kind of nuts and overdramatic, even in a pandemic. For me, it’s short-term protectionism and a sad realization that my roommates and I were not as close as I thought we were despite the chummy relations we sustained.

If you keep peddling your services without turning them into products, you’ll never make any money, a mentor once told me. Ours was a service-based digital agency where we spent endless hours on the care and feeding of our clients social media channels and websites. Held their hand through rage blackouts when Facebook crashed after we launched that blemish stick giveaway. Talked them down from the ledge when customers dumped their complaints on their socials for the world to see. There was a lot of coddling, and coddling cost money. And believe me when I say we were not in the business of shoving dollar bills into trash compactors.

We will always be works in progress. There is a better version of ourselves tomorrow, next week, next year. But it starts with acknowledging all the aspects of who we are today.

ooked at ways to adopt daily and weekly habits or rituals to enhance our marriage. As a nation, we tend to invest more time in work and social activities than we do in our intimate relationships. It’s no wonder our divorce rate hovers around 50% for first time marriages and over 60% for second and third marriages in the US today.

When we talk about “living with roommates,” what we’re really talking about is sharing a space with other people out of fiscal necessity or expediency. Friendship is a welcome perk, too, but a secondary one. To live with a partner or parent is to share life itself. This involves sometimes making sacrifices that can actually change your respective lifestyles: spending less money on alcohol, for instance, or spending more time at home. Having roommates you enjoy — the dream that many of us borrowed from shows like Seinfeld and Friends — offers toasty camaraderie without the backbone of real sacrifice.

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