Essentially, NPM will now do the developer’s job and help the latter decide whether they should install that peer dependency or not. This is definitely a very useful feature if you consider the amount of work dependency management can add to your day.
And the second big feature I wanted to cover today was this one. Up until now, peer dependencies had to be installed manually. That’s not the case anymore though. But first, what exactly are peer dependencies?
However, if you’re working as part of a team on several related projects (maybe you’re crafting a microservices-based architecture), then workspaces might actually be a very needed feature. Just think about the amount of disk space you’d be saving if you have an architecture of 100 microservices, all of them depending on the same set of modules. That’s where this feature really starts to shine!
And the improvement in peer dependencies management will definitely affect React developers working with NPM based tools since that ecosystem has adopted the use of this feature extensively.
mindfulness training — which according to research can reduce anxiety, depression, worry, and rumination — shifts a person’s attention toward here-and-now sensory information and away from the self-directed and often verbal forms of inner dialogue.In case you’re not super familiar with the term (I know I wasn’t), peer dependencies are almost like normal dependencies, but instead of defining a strong requirement, they essentially state that:
This would mean you end up installing React twice, with different versions. All because you needed module A . Now, however, thanks to Arborist, the full tree is analyzed and peer dependencies are taken into account, which means that if a conflict is going to be present, a proper error will be displayed and the process will be aborted.
This is all good in theory, but the problem with automatically installing these dependencies was that when you added two packages which had the same dependency but with different versions, both versions would get installed (one of them at the regular node_modules folder and the other, as a sub dependency of the package that requires it).
Well, if you’re working on individual and unrelated projects, maybe workspaces aren’t really that useful to you. At any given point, the requirements for them could change, and that would render the benefits of the workspaces useless.
Towards this end, we created gnmi-gateway, which we have released as an open source project. This article goes over some background on the project, why we created it, and how you can use it to monitor your own network.
Netflix runs its own content delivery network, Open Connect, which delivers all streaming traffic to our members. A backbone network underlies a large portion of the CDN, and we also run the high capacity networks that support our studios and corporate offices. In order to design, operate, and measure these networks, we must collect metrics and state data from the thousands of devices that compose them.
This could potentially cause incompatibility issues, imagine adding module A which depends on module B which in turn, depends on React@15, into a project that, in turn, depends on React@16. Because A needs version 15, it would add it as a dependency as well, ending with a dependency tree like:
Modern vendor APIs address some, but not all, of these shortcomings. For example, Arista’s EOS provides eAPI, a RESTful service using JSON payloads. Similarly, Juniper has its Junos XML API, utilizing NETCONF and XML. In both cases the data remains only semi-structured, both vendors format it differently, and collectors must actively poll.
Traditional network management tools, namely SNMP and CLI screen-scraping, have been used for decades for this purpose, and there are numerous software packages, protocols, and libraries to choose from. As is common with mature technologies, any number of shortcomings have revealed themselves. The data itself is largely unstructured, untyped, and vendor-proprietary, and its format often changes between even minor software releases. The mechanisms by which the data is retrieved may not be inherently reliable (in the case of SNMP’s UDP transport) and always require active polling by the collector — which, for time series data, must be driven by a strict clock. Other shortcomings include a lack of source timestamps, support for multiple connections, and general scalability challenges.
Version 7 of NPM was released with several new features and improvements. These two particular ones were the ones that definitely caught my attention and got me really excited to try them. Workspaces have the potential to radically improve the developer’s experience when working on large, combined projects with multiple shared dependencies.
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