Top 5 Vitamins that help in erectile dysfunction

Author : terrycarrington
Publish Date : 2021-01-09 08:33:25

Top 5 Vitamins that help in erectile dysfunction

Vitamins cure the basic weakness in the body that creates conditions for erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction in males, as you know, is an external manifestation of some internal deficiency. It could be low testosterone, low energy or cholesterol formation in blood vessels that prompts erectile difficulties.

Erectile dysfunction at the cellular level is insufficient blood flow into the smooth tissue of the male organ.  Vitamins in food items and supplements have provided beneficial to males to maintain and enhance potency. Nutritionists and doctors have picked up vitamin B complex as a powerful vitamin for male health. Their observation is that the B complex positively affects different aspects related to the erection process. Let us study the different vitamins in B complex and how they are considered good for erectile dysfunction in males.

Vitamin B3 for smooth blood flow

Erectile dysfunction is a blood circulation problem. The blood flow to the male organ is less than normally required for an erection. Vitamin B3 also known as niacin cuts the cholesterol formation in blood vessels.  Cholesterol is a wax like substance that sticks inside the blood vessels. The fatty deposits created by cholesterol reduce blood supply throughout the body. Since blood vessels in male organ are narrower, any blood reduction shows in the form of erectile difficulties. Natural sources of vitamin B 3 are peanuts, turkey liver, and tuna.

Increase libido with Vitamin B1

In mid aged males, the low libido has been identified as one of the causes behind erectile dysfunction. Low libido hits the desire levels of a man. Even when a doctor prescribes generic Cialis 60 mg, a higher dose for severe erection issues, the erection is difficult to get, as physical stimulation is also required. A man with higher libido finds it easy to get engaged in physical stimulation.

Vitamin B 1 also known as thiamine helps male overcome libido deficiency. Beans, whole meal bread, nuts like walnut, egg yolk, and buckwheat porridge are rich sources of B 1.

Vitamin B7 is also a libido booster. Deficiency of vitamin B7 leads to blood sugar disorders, anemia, constant fatigue syndromes, muscle pain, lack of adequate sleep, and drowsiness, etc. A tired and depressed man is likely to feel less energetic, which directly affects libido and energy levels. Include legume, nuts, oranges, avocadoes, apples and cauliflower in your diet to cope with B 7 deficiency.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 plays a critical role in tissue growth and regeneration. It is recognized as a booster to physical energy and vitality. Its deficiency produces negative changes in blood vessels, which decreases blood flow towards the penis. Deficiency also decreases penile vascular strength. Lack of sufficient blood flow produces erectile difficulty even in younger males. Give a boost to the energy by including eggs, fish, green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli, in the diet.

Vitamin B5

Low sperm count affects testosterone level, which in turn makes it difficult to get a smooth erection. Vitamin B 5 ensures a healthy nervous system and sperm count. Central nervous system receives brain signals to trigger the blood flow towards the pelvic area for a smooth erection. B 5 activates circulation in the pelvic area which contributes to enhanced physical stimulation. Physical stimulation enhances the potential of Sildenafil citrate 200mg, a higher dose doctors prescribed to overcome higher erection difficulties.   Eggs, meat, green vegetables, nuts, seeds are the rich source of vitamin B5.

Vitamin B9

Folic Acid, vitamin B9 helps the body to absorb other vitamins in B complex range. Folic acid increases the efficiency of the heart. It also stimulates sperm production. An efficient heart pumps blood smoothly throughout the body. Good cardiovascular health boosts potency in males as blood flow is optimal.  so , take the folic acid from spinach , parsley , green onion , cauliflower , carrots , beans ,apricot , melon , egg yolk ,avocado , and mushrooms .


Vitamins are essential to enhance and maintain virility and vitality. Rely on food items and nuts to get the needed vitamins.  Enhance the impact of vitamins by following a healthy and active lifestyle. Vitamins supplements should be avoided as far as possible. However, if doctors prescribe vitamin D supplement, continue to check the magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium depleted with vitamin D is absorbed.

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