Two days after Apple started selling the new Apple Silicon M1 Macs in their stores, I threw my nearly two-year-old 2019

Author : wmomedrdwl
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 23:11:04

Two days after Apple started selling the new Apple Silicon M1 Macs in their stores, I threw my nearly two-year-old 2019

There came a point where everything changed. The results crept up on me. My writing went from being read by nobody to getting shared with a wider audience. It wasn’t because of the content. It was because of the consistent effort I was putting into the habit of writing.

Ditch the big boy thinking. Throwaway transformations, the desire to get-rich-quick, fast results, growth hacking and thinking of your life as being created by a handful of events. Your life isn’t created by a handful of events.

Many fellow writers now describe my results as extraordinary. I’m embarrassed when they say that because I don’t think they are. I think I’m nothing more than consistent, thanks to the 1.01% mindset.

Drew describes himself as a poker enthusiast, but I think he was one of those people (like me) who wanted to get rich playing poker in their dorm room. It was the year 2006, and the dream was still very much alive.

“It had to be something that was deeply technical. At heart, since I was a little kid, technology is what I really love. I would love for whatever company I start to have technology as its core source of competitive advantage.”

ool like Whimsical is faster and more lightweight for throwing ideas together and getting a feel for the layout and hierarchy of our design. It’s harder to fall in love with a design when it’s only a wireframe, so we can take criticism and feedback while holding on to our dignity.

Meanwhile, Drew saw one friend after another launch successful companies. Adam Smith, a roommate of his, got $5 million in funding 3 months after moving to California. Another MIT student, Justin Kan, had just created a live-streaming website that would eventually become Twitch.

In 2008, Drew Houston posted a screencast of his demo product online. 14 months later, he was sitting across the desk from Steve Jobs, rejecting his nine-digit acquisition offer.

Drew quickly abandoned the idea — as legal restrictions around online poker were becoming stricter — but he did learn his first big lesson: passion isn’t enough; you have to be obsessed with your idea.

“I wanted something that I could explain to normal people in a bar or coffeeshop. There were a lot of elements of software and particularly enterprise software that rule that out.”

“I was obsessed with that thing. I thought of our dog growing up, Whimsy. When you throw a tennis ball, she would just go pounding after it, just bashing through stuff, tongue hanging out, looking a little bit crazy. When I think of people who have done amazing things, it’s really that kind of obsession.”

When I had a goal to write my dreams into reality through blogging, nothing happened in months. It took me years. I posted dumb blog post after dumb blog post. I was a 4 AM early rising asshole. Thankfully, I kept writing.

The results remained low for a long time. The reason my results were poor was because I hadn’t mastered the skill of writing. If I could actually write in the beginning, then my growth trajectory would have been faster. Unfortunately, I didn’t pay attention in English class. I dicked around and threw paper planes at the teacher. She’s the one laughing now.

Ditch the big boy thinking. Throwaway transformations, the desire to get-rich-quick, fast results, growth hacking and thinking of your life as being created by a handful of events. Your life isn’t created by a handful of events.

The 1.01% better mindset makes you feel good about your work. It feels achievable as a measurement of your output in a day, so you keep intuitively doing it. It’s hard to hate a simple concept that works.

Category : general

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