We can generate random numbers but what if we needed to generate random bytes? Prior to 3.9 version, the developers had

Author : ilaahinadleh1
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 07:22:36

We can generate random numbers but what if we needed to generate random bytes? Prior to 3.9 version, the developers had

If we study the functions, internally they check if the string starts with a prefix (or ends with a suffix) and if it does then they return a string without a prefix (or after a suffix) using str[:] slicing feature.


We use the datetime library to create a datetime object and specify its timezone by setting the tzinfo propety. However, we can end up creating complex timezone rules when using the datetime.tzinfo baseline.


Remember string is a collection of characters and each character has an index in a string. We can use the indexes along with the colon : to return a subset of the string. This feature is known as slicing a string.


The new parameter cancel_futures have been added to both ThreadPoolExecutor and ProcessPoolExecutor. The way it works is when the value of the parameter is True then all pending futures would be canceled when the shutdown() function is called.


This parameter cancels all of the pending futures that have not started. Prior to version 3.9, the process would wait for them to complete before shutting down the executor.


In a nutshell, when the shutdown() is executed, the interpreter checks if the executor is not garbage collected. If it is still in memory then it gets all of the pending worker items and then cancels the futures.






















participating a bit in the roguelike communities, for example here I have created a list of features which are typical to roguelikes, but are rare in other games. It was noticed that my list was slanted towards “hacklikes”; I am not a fan of Nethack itself, but a big fan of ADOM and Valhalla. People recognized that roguelikes are difficult to define. Some games started to appear which were a bit difficult to classify: Decker is a cyberpunk game that I did not consider a roguelike because it had completely different tactics.,

The main issue with importing Python libraries prior to the 3.9 release was the inconsistent import behavior in Python when the relative import went past its top-level package.


New coroutines, shutdown_default_executor() and coroutine asyncio.to_thread() have been added. The shutdown_default_executor schedules a shutdown for the default executor that waits on the ThreadPoolExecutor to finish closing. The asyncio.to_thread() is mainly used for running IO-bound functions in a separate thread to avoid blocking the event loop.


IANA time zones are often called tz or zone info. There are a large number of IANA time zones with different search paths to specify the IANA timezone to a date-time object. As an instance, we can pass in the name of the search path as the Continent/City to a datetime object to set its tzinfo.


A generic type is usually a container e.g. list. It is a type that can be parameterized. Parameterized generic is an instance of a generic with the expected types for container elements e.g. list[str]


Over the past few releases, a number of static typing features have been built incrementally on top of the existing Python runtime. Some of these features were constrained by existing syntax and runtime behavior. As a consequence, there was a duplicated collection hierarchy in the typing module due to generics.


We can create a zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key) object where the key is of type string indicating the search path of the zone file in the system time zone database. The zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key) object can be created and set as the tzinfo property of the datetime object.


This method explicitly closes the queue. This will ensure that the queue is closed and does not stay around for longer than expected. The key to remember is that the methods get(), put(), empty() must not be called once the queue is closed.


Although Python is a dynamically typed language, the annotation of the types in the Python program enables introspection of the type. Subsequently, the annotation can be used for API generation of runtime type checking.

Category : general

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