Natural capabilities and talents cannot be taken away from any individual. Education, however, makes all the difference even in the lives of those who possess such talents. Without education, it can be impossible to find out what you are good at. You might take too long to discover who you are and what you are best in without an education. Lack of education also means that you do not get the chance to grow to your full potential. When you know what you are good at and want to be at an early age, you are in a position to direct your life to the right path hence you grow to your full potential.
Formal education is commonly divided formally into such stages as preschool or kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and then college, university, or apprenticeship.
What is most important is not just education that lets you know how to read and write, but quality education that will take you to the heights of prosperity by bringing the best out of you. Developed countries are actually now more inclined on monitoring children from an early age to see what they are good in and direct their education paths towards that. They therefore know what they want to be and how to get there when they are still young. Without quality education, this can be impossible. Science and technology is one of the most important fields. Technological developments, inventions and complex solutions depend on science and technology.
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