When people submit their profiles to Queer Design Club, we ask what part of queer visual culture inspires them most, and drag tops the list. Drag is visually rich (even—or especially—when executed on a budget), but its expressive power goes deeper than that.
You will soon feel more toned. Soreness will be welcome, it will remind you of the presence of your muscles. You will probably lose some weight. You will feel more positive about your body. You will have more energy and strength.
I prepared dinners daily with mostly fish or chicken (baked, grilled, or occasionally fried in extra-virgin olive oil) and plenty of fresh, locally sourced vegetables. I cooked with loads of antioxidant-laden herbs and spices, like garlic, ginger, onions, turmeric, cumin, and coriander.
Contrary to what one might think, structure is one of the keys to human well-being. Too much freedom does not bring anything positive. Having this daily rendezvous with yourself may seem like a burden, or another task on the already too long list of things to do, but in reality, it simply brings structure to your life.
Less than a month later, on September 12, I had dropped 14 pounds and 1.5 inches of waistline. A second blood panel showed my triglycerides and LDL cholesterol had dropped to normal levels — for the first time in my life — and my HbA1c level had dropped — but still indicated diabetes. (It was at 8.0% against a normal max of 6.0%.)
I exercised regularly. I’ve been regular with gym workouts throughout my adult life. I had been walking three to five miles three to four times a week for nearly two years and had walked 500 miles across Spain on the Camino de Santiago just 14 months before my diagnosis.
I ate healthy (or so I thought). I had refrained from regularly eating red meat for over 30 years because the generally accepted wisdom was it’s laden with fat — and thus bad for my heart.
e-off kind of example. Back in 2011, a Czech anthropology study found that individuals whose parents were unfaithful were more likely to repeat the same actions. They also found that getting away with infidelity became an addictive-forming habit, so the rate of cheating would increase.When the doctor prescribed Metformin — a diabetes-control drug — I gave it not a moment’s consideration. I’m 70 and have always avoided maintenance medications. When a checkup indicated the presence of an abnormal condition, I’d research its cause and try to address it with supplements or diet rather than drugs.
I had started at 194 pounds and was at 170 at that point. My target weight is 155, and so my journey continues. But here’s how I achieved these remarkable results within just 60 days.
Rarely a day went by when I didn’t eat one or two of the wide variety of fresh fruits available where I live — in the Philippines. I avoided fast-food restaurants and rarely bought processed foods. Whenever a recipe called for sugar, I replaced it with honey — a healthier choice.
Many maintenance medications are putting a Band-Aid on a disorder rather than correcting it at its source. And frequently, the side effects can be worse than the original condition.
You just read another post from In Fitness And In Health: a health and fitness community dedicated to sharing knowledge, lessons, and suggestions to living happier, healthier lives.
On October 15, I had dropped another 10 pounds and two more inches of belly fat. My third blood panel showed that my HbA1c level had moved to 5.8% — within the normal range.
At its heart, I think of being outwardly queer as a process of owning who you are. Growing more comfortable in that identity, or learning to enjoy the discomfort, and sharing it with the world.
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