Zig does not offer the sort of over the top safety that Rust does, but what it gains from not doing so is a model which

Author : 6alardah
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 09:27:31

Zig does not offer the sort of over the top safety that Rust does, but what it gains from not doing so is a model which

Zig however if very C friendly because there are no oddball stuff exposed that C doesn’t get. There are no vtables (table to virtual functions in C ) in structs. No constructors or destructors that C has no clue about how to call. Nor are there any exceptions that C also would struggle with catching.

What attracts a lot of people to C programming in the first place is minimalism. This is what Go got right and made it a joy to program. You could easily keep the whole program in your head.

Now if you start reading up on Zig and looking at the source code examples I gave you here it may look complex. There are language constructs that may look odd. One can easily get the impression that it is a complex language.

E.g. something akin to templates is create in Julia by utilizing the ability to run code at compile time. Loris Cro has a good article describing this in more detail. I will just use an example from that article to give a quick into to the idea.

In addition the general way you program should be quite C-compatible so you don’t have to create a large C-abstraction level. E.g. C isn’t very C friendly, because a typical C library cannot be used from C without extensive wrapping.

As you can see Zig has no problems parsing C header files and including types and functions from C. In fact Zig is a fully fledged C compiler. You can compile your C programs with Zig if you want.

fn LinkedList(comptime T: type) type { return struct { pub const Node = struct { prev: ?*Node = null, next: ?*Node = null, data: T, }; first: ?*Node = null, last: ?*Node = null, len: usize = 0, }; }

Of course this code will not be optimal and likely a bit messy. But it is kind of like using Google translate to do a natural language translation. It is a good starting position that saves you a lot of manual labour. You can fix up the details manually yourself later.

This means you could easily start translating parts of a larger C program to Zig and keep compiling it. That is a very powerful feature when porting a program. What made it really easy for me to port from Objective-C to Swift in the past is that I could replace one single Objective-C method at a time with a Swift version, compile and see that everything still worked.

By placing export in front of it, we make it accessible to C code we are linking in with our program. In fact our main function is defined in the C code part, and it uses a function defined in Zig.





















learning technician or data scientist applies this module for complex mathematical computations. While NumPy is a helpful Python package for a sort of general-purpose programming tasks, it’s especially great if you want to do machine learning since it provides part of the foundation for libraries like TensorFlow.

From my limited experience playing with Zig, I would say this is quite a good system. The combination of use of allocators and defer makes you very conscious of where you are allocating and deallocate memory while making it easy to do so correctly.

We can define e.g. a function called LinkedList which can only be called at compile time, which takes a type for the elements in the linked list, and returns a linked list type holding these elements:

fn decimals(alloc: *Allocator, n: u32) !Array(u32) { var x = n; var digits = Array(u32).init(alloc); errdefer digits.deinit(); while (x >= 10) { try digits.append(x % 10); x = x / 10; } try digits.append(x); return digits; }

What ruins a lot of C-like languages is that they don’t play nice with C. By that I mean it should be easy to call C functions from the language and it should be easy to call function on the language from C.

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