Breonna Taylors decision sparks protests

Author : mostarlid18
Publish Date : 2020-12-31 22:52:30

Breonna Taylors decision sparks protests

Sheree Barbour holds his fist in the air as people protest the grand jury's decision in the Breonna Taylor case Wednesday, September 23, in Denver, Colorado.
Michael Ciaglo / Getty Images

Updated at 10:14 a.m. GMT (1814 HKT) September 24, 2020

Sheree Barbour holds his fist in the air as people protest the grand jury ruling in the Breonna Taylor case on Wednesday, September 23, in Denver, Colorado.
Michael Ciaglo / Getty Images

Protesters took to the streets after grand jury charges in the Breonna Taylor case on Wednesday. Outrage and grief spilled over into protests in cities across the United States.

The grand jury has indicted former Louisville cop Brett Hankison with first degree endangerment charges for his actions the night Taylor was killed by police. Two other police officers present at the scene were not charged and none was directly accused of his death.

Taylor, a 26-year-old black technician, was killed in her home in March when the three undercover officers executed an arrest warrant.

Protesters and activists criticized the charges, demanding more serious charges.

Zambia on the verge of default on external debt

Zambia's External Bondholders Committee meets on Friday to decide whether to accept or reject Zambia's plan to repay $ 3 billion in outstanding Eurobonds.

Zambia missed an interest payment last month on $ 1 billion in bonds due in 2024. A 30-day grace period expires on Friday, and if the vote were to go against Zambia and it doesn't pay , this would put the country in default, which would give investors the right to demand immediate repayment of the principal.

If Zambia defaults, it will become the first country in Africa to default on sovereign debt since the coronavirus pandemic.

Zambia was already grappling with its $ 12 billion foreign debt. But the coronavirus has compounded pre-existing financial pressures in the country.

Sarah-Jayne Clifton, director of the Jubilee Debt Campaign, said creditors were lending Zambia at high interest rates, knowing the debt would likely get too high. She calls for debt relief for the world's poorest countries.

"This risk has now materialized and bondholders must now accept a significant reduction in debt," she told Reuters news agency this week.

"It is simply immoral for bondholders to demand full repayment and make huge profits on Zambia's debt as the country grapples with COVID-19, a major economic crisis and a skyrocketing poverty levels, ”she added.

Zambia's Minister of Finance, Honorable Dr. Bwalya Ng'andu and Vice President Inonge Wina have both vowed that the nation will meet its obligations.

"Zambia will not default," Wina said in response to a question from an opposition member who asked if the government would miss the coupon payment scheduled for Friday. "A way forward will be found in meeting Zambia's obligations to bondholders and other lenders who have supported Zambia in its hour of need."

Zambia has asked for a postponement of interest payments until April next year, but creditors have yet to agree.

McConnell says he hasn't been to the White House since August, citing Covid-19 protocols

“I haven't been to the White House since August 6th because my impression was that their approach to how to deal with this was different from mine and what I insisted we do in the Senate is that is, wear a mask and practice social distancing, ”McConnell said at an event in Kentucky in response to a question whether he thought President Donald Trump should disclose more information about his recent diagnosis. coronavirus.
The comments, which he more or less repeated in a second event not long after, point to stark differences in how the Kentucky Republican approached the pandemic compared to Trump's White House. For months, McConnell not only wore a mask, but regularly took opportunities in front of the camera to inspire others to do the same. And while there are a small number of senators who occasionally forgo masks, the vast majority of MPs wear them in Washington.

The White House, McConnell said at the second event, "did not approach protection against this disease in the way that I thought was appropriate in the Senate."

The Kentucky Republican is married to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, who is routinely tested and tested negative, a department spokesperson told CNN last week. CNN contacted the department to ask when Chao was last in the White House.
McConnell clarified Thursday that he speaks frequently with the president by phone, however, and added: “I think he's doing perfectly fine. It seems normal and we have been discussing the very issues that you are all discussing with me right now. Of course, the most important thing we are doing right now is the Supreme Court. ”

Comments from the majority leader, who is set to be reelected this cycle, follow the president's Covid-19 diagnosis as well as recent Covid diagnoses from three Senate Republicans, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Mike Lee of Utah and Thom Tillis. from North Carolina.

In an email to GOP senators after the positive results were made public, McConnell again reiterated the need to operate safely amid a once-in-a-century pandemic, urging its members to stay healthy so they can all return when the Senate returns to session on October 19.
“We must lead now, with more caution and care, not only for our own health and well-being, but to be able to perform our elected duties and be examples to the country,” wrote McConnell in last weekend's email obtained by CNN. “Wear masks, stay away and come back safe and sound on the 19th”.

The news of three GOP senators who tested positive has led to calls from some Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, for new safeguards to be implemented on Capitol Hill, including a ban on anyone who tests positive will go to the Senate or to committees until a subsequent test shows that the individual is negative.

At Thursday's event, McConnell also briefly touched on the state of discussions on the coronavirus stimulus, noting that important differences remain.

“We agree that another bailout is needed. We have big differences on how much we should spend, ”he said.

CNN's Phil Mattingly contributed to this report.

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