#Top: Remembering the lives lost to COVID-19: Juan Ordoñez, 40, of North Arlington, N.J.

Author : jimmyn
Publish Date : 2021-02-28 17:16:44

#Top: Remembering the lives lost to COVID-19: Juan Ordoñez, 40, of North Arlington, N.J.

Juan Ordoze, a 0-year-old boy from North Early Ton, NJ, died of COVID-1 on April 11, 2020. He is one of more than 50 million Americans who have lost their lives due to the disease since the beginning of the epidemic. of coronavirus early last year.

Ordoage was born in Lima, Peru, and emigrated to the United States at an early age. His wife, Diana Ordoz, says she was "a prime example of the American Dream." When he arrived in the United States, he faced many challenges, including learning a new language and being separated from his family. But she says, "He still recognized that he had opportunities to grow and learn until he had the opportunity to work hard."

His wife says that Ordo's biggest passion was the computer. He was an information security analyst at UPS and was recently promoted by COVID-19 when he became ill.

Another passion, which he shared with his wife and daughter, Mia. Their first trip as a family was to the ruins of the ancient Icon Well in Machu Picchu, Peru. Juan told Diana that the place was very special to her, and she plans to return there to honor her memory. 

"It used to take a little longer than getting there, but the important thing for me is that he has to rest where he wants, so it's on my list. It's probably the way to go. It's hard to stop when everything is happening," she said.

Ordois contracted the virus in early March 2020, before the lock was closed and little was known about the virus. His wife said that at the time he was spending a lot of time in the cafe for the IT certification exam and that he was probably infected.

Like many victims of Covid-1 many, Ordoz had difficulty breathing and was hospitalized and placed on a ventilator. He fought the disease for three weeks and died.

Life without Juan was difficult and painful for his wife and daughter. But Diana says that the fact that she told her story made her do it a little bit.

"Anytime I can share her story, I did it. And she likes to watch Daddy on TV or Daddy in the newspaper," she says. "I want it to be remembered and people to know it, and to know that our lives are short, and we must live each day. ... It can't get up today, and you can, and it's a privilege." 

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