Hungarian police to women: If you flirt, you could get raped forestries

Author : thed2010
Publish Date : 2021-04-17 09:31:33

Hungarian police to women: If you flirt, you could get raped forestries

'The flirtation of young girls can often trigger violence.'

That's the message from police in Baranya County, Hungary, as part of a campaign to raise awareness against rape. As if that wasn't enough, the message was paired with a video showing a young woman being approached by a hooded man outside a nightclub. The young woman is then shown lying on the ground.

Several Hungarian advocacy groups are now voicing 'dismay' with the regional police department's efforts, saying the campaign blames women, rather than characterizing them as potential victims who should be protected.

'(The video) scares and humiliates the victims and exonerates the perpetrators to go unpunished,' the groups said in a joint statement. '... These kind of films evoke misogyny and contempt for women.'

The video, titled 'SelfieKlip,' was released almost a week ago by authorities in Baranya County in southern Hungary. It features young adult actors, including dressed-up women who are out clubbing, partying and flirting with young men. The hooded attacker approaches one of the women, later depicted lying on the ground, near the end of the video.

In a statement posted alongside the video, police say, 'Experience has shown that, in order to prevent such acts (of violence), how women communicate ... plays a huge role. The flirtation of young girls can often trigger violence.'

The statement goes on to say that if a woman flirts with a man, then rejects him, 'this may create anger.'

Police also urge women to 'radiate confidence with ... behavior.'

'Self-confidence is important,' the statement adds, 'so it is important to believe in ourselves to avoid becoming a victim.'

The combination of the video of partying young women and the statement outraged a coalition of Hungarian women's rights groups, which claims it 'completely ignores that sexual violence' happens because of a decision by the attacker, not the victim.

'The mission of the police is to protect and serve the public, rather than blaming the victims, or potential victims, or to pass on the responsibility on them,' the groups said.

The video, titled 'SelfieKlip,' was released almost a week ago by authorities in Baranya County in southern Hungary. It features young adult actors, including dressed-up women who are out clubbing, partying and flirting with young men. The hooded attacker approaches one of the women, later depicted lying on the ground, near the end of the video. That's the message from police in Baranya County, Hungary, as part of a campaign to raise awareness against rape. As if that wasn't enough, the message was paired with a video showing a young woman being approached by a hooded man outside a nightclub. The young woman is then shown lying on the ground. That's the message from police in Baranya County, Hungary, as part of a campaign to raise awareness against rape. As if that wasn't enough, the message was paired with a video showing a young woman being approached by a hooded man outside a nightclub. The young woman is then shown lying on the ground. 'The mission of the police is to protect and serve the public, rather than blaming the victims, or potential victims, or to pass on the responsibility on them,' the groups said. The statement goes on to say that if a woman flirts with a man, then rejects him, 'this may create anger.' 'Self-confidence is important,' the statement adds, 'so it is important to believe in ourselves to avoid becoming a victim.' 'The flirtation of young girls can often trigger violence.' The video, titled 'SelfieKlip,' was released almost a week ago by authorities in Baranya County in southern Hungary. It features young adult actors, including dressed-up women who are out clubbing, partying and flirting with young men. The hooded attacker approaches one of the women, later depicted lying on the ground, near the end of the video. 'The mission of the police is to protect and serve the public, rather than blaming the victims, or potential victims, or to pass on the responsibility on them,' the groups said. Several Hungarian advocacy groups are now voicing 'dismay' with the regional police department's efforts, saying the campaign blames women, rather than characterizing them as potential victims who should be protected. Police also urge women to 'radiate confidence with ... behavior.' That's the message from police in Baranya County, Hungary, as part of a campaign to raise awareness against rape. As if that wasn't enough, the message was paired with a video showing a young woman being approached by a hooded man outside a nightclub. The young woman is then shown lying on the ground. That's the message from police in Baranya County, Hungary, as part of a campaign to raise awareness against rape. As if that wasn't enough, the message was paired with a video showing a young woman being approached by a hooded man outside a nightclub. The young woman is then shown lying on the ground. The statement goes on to say that if a woman flirts with a man, then rejects him, 'this may create anger.' That's the message from police in Baranya County, Hungary, as part of a campaign to raise awareness against rape. As if that wasn't enough, the message was paired with a video showing a young woman being approached by a hooded man outside a nightclub. The young woman is then shown lying on the ground.


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