How did Jupiter and Saturn get where they are today? A massive ice giant planet which once orbited between Saturn and Ur

Author : jimad.haaayely
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 11:45:57

How did Jupiter and Saturn get where they are today? A massive ice giant planet which once orbited between Saturn and Ur

As a precrastinator, I’ve found that the Covid era has given me a taste of Zen. Right now, I’d normally be trying to make spring break plans for the kids, researching summer camps. (Yes it’s early but, as a New Yorker, you know you have to move fast, or poof! Someone else got the camp slot, hotel room, airline tickets you wanted.) But now, there’s nothing I can do but wait. Will a vaccine be distributed by then? Maybe. Maybe not. Should I block my calendar for the conferences I usually go to? Possibly, but probably not. So many tasks and decisions can be deferred now, guilt-free.

erently superior about the x86 architecture which suggests it should stay ahead performance-wise for all future. Quite the contrary ARM has an ISA which is better suited to make a high performance architecture. Eventually this will be a numbers game. Both Intel and AMD will be facing an army of ARM makers, they cannot beat all of them in the long run. And typically the winner will be whoever can throw most cash at the problem.

Let’s get through December. And then take January as it comes. And then February. Time continues to move forward, at a pace we can’t control. And to my fellow precrastinators: I know you’ve always lived by the motto: “Don’t put off what you can do today.” But maybe you’ll try out my new mantra: “Don’t do now what you could do later.”

Web portals are often created for internal purposes for a business, organization, school, or institution. They usually involve a login with a personalized experience based on the user. For example, a university might have a web portal allowing students to access information about their courses or a company might use a portal to allow their employees to request time off and view pay stubs.

Companies that run these sites, like The New York Times, rarely update the design or work with individual designers. They mostly work with agencies or companies that help with design, development, and maintenance.

Web portals are complex and will usually involve more complicated design and programming than most other websites. For this reason, companies tend to outsource the design, development, and IT maintenance to another company.

I‘m writing here every week. Please follow me and tell me things. To hang out even more, find me on Twitter, sign up for my newsletter, and listen to NPR’s TED Radio Hour.

I‘m writing here every week. Please follow me and tell me things. To hang out even more, find me on Twitter, sign up for my newsletter, and listen to NPR’s TED Radio Hour.

For example, a company might want to create a landing page as lead generation for their business, offering a free download or access to a video in exchange for an email address. Another example of a landing page might be to educate a user about an app and direct the user to download and use it.

We all know the person who responds within minutes to our emails but neglects to answer the most important question so you end up exchanging six emails that day instead of just the one; or the guy who shows up in the advanced workout class right after New Year’s Day and is on the couch with an injured back by mid-January. Sometimes we need to slow our roll; build up to things; put in the time up front, get the rewards later. Why don’t some of us take a page out of the procrastinator’s book and bide our time, deal with the peas at the end, or simply respond to someone, “I don’t know! Let’s wait and see how things progress.”

There’s another, more analog reason I think some of us precrastinate. It’s simple. We just want to frickin’ RELAX, already. It sounds like laziness, but I think the impulse is more existential than that. In a world where the list of things to do feels like it could crush us, precrastinators look for ways to shake off that guilty feeling, the one that haunts you and mumbles, don’t I have something I should be doing right now? My daughter wants to get her homework done so she can just lie on her bed and look at her fish. If I could, I would brush my teeth for three days straight instead of twice a day for the rest of my life. No need to remember to buy toothpaste or pack my toothbrush ever again! What would I do with that extra time and brain space? I don’t know… read a book. Finally REST. If you’re thinking, well, that kinda sounds like… death, you’d be right. Which brings me to what I’ve found to be a morbidly positive side effect of the pandemic.

Video streaming sites like YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and many other competitors have surged in popularity over the last decade. Some are free, while others offer paid services.

But the other reason I think I feel more peaceful is less mundane. In a culture that avoids talking about death, we’re finally having a collective existential moment. And for those of us who have the privilege to stop and think, we’re realizing that, if we’d like to pause the ride for a bit, the time is now. Go ahead and procrastinate. It might be your only chance. Not just because the pandemic will eventually end but because, this winter especially, the possibility of becoming gravely ill hangs in the air. The virus doesn’t give a sh*t that your third quarter was off the charts, or that you’d hoped to have your book proposal done by now. Tell your colleagues you’re having a the telemedicine appointment for your acne, then sit and listen to the wind collecting leaves outside your window. And little girl, if you’d rather lounge on your bed and daydream as your crimson fish flutters her translucent fins nearby, go for it. Staying still feels good. If you’re lucky and healthy enough to do so, stay home and making it through this wonderful day.

Similar to social media websites, once the skeleton of these websites is designed, most of the upkeep is on the tech side. With so much traffic and bandwidth streaming, these websites require a lot of backend maintenance. Streaming companies tend to have their own in-house design and development teams that work on long-term updates.

A landing page is a one-page website usually created for a marketing campaign that drives visitors to take a specific action. The content and design should be to the point and lead the user to one CTA (call-to-action).

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