The way you dispose of old kitchen appliances and air

Author : boomberwalangsari
Publish Date : 2021-01-31 19:21:13

The way you dispose of old kitchen appliances and air

The way you dispose of old kitchen appliances and air

conditioning units can have a huge impact on the climate.
Bere’s point is that if the house can be fitted to hold onto the warmth inside, there is less need for more from carbon-emitting sources.

While many new builds are being fitted to passive house standards, existing buildings can also be retrofitted with insulation. Bere often uses insulation panels that are as thick as a mattress and are attached to wooden board. These can be drilled on the interior of existing walls. “It means the rooms come in by 10cm (4in) on every side,” he says. “However, most people barely notice the difference in the end, and the added comfort is far more valuable than a few centimetres of wall.”

Jones cautions that making a building too airtight can cause problems when it comes to ventilation. “You really don’t want to encourage mould growth, or create poor air quality,” she says. Installing a mechanical vent that circulates fresh air, while recovering the heat can help here.

Accidental emissions

While adding insulation and other measures to make your home more energy efficient might seem to make sense, there is a risk that the carbon footprint of the construction materials themselves could cancel out any savings made.

“It can sometimes be a zero sum game,” says Ahmed Khan, a professor of sustainable architecture in Belgium.

Through research at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, he found some of the most energy-efficient products, such as brand new insulation materials and triple glazing, can be more carbon heavy over their lifetime due to the energy needed to manufacture and transport the materials. This is called embodied energy.

Rather than fibreglass insulation, cellulose fibres, mineral wool from mineral waste, cork and even wasted blue jean fabric can be used

There is a sweet spot though. “It’s possible to achieve a very high energy efficiency and low embodied energy, so long as you pay attention to the sources of materials,” says André Stephan, expert in energy efficiency at the Univerité Catholique de Louvain.

Favouring materials that come from natural sources, repurposed waste or reused materials can help. “It truly depends on the location of your home, but as a general rule materials which are bio-based and not fired at very high temperatures are typically less energy intensive,” says Stephan. Less energy intensive means less greenhouse gas emissions.

Rather than fibreglass insulation, cellulose fibres, mineral wool from mineral waste, cork and even wasted blue jean fabric can be used. “Reaching passive house standards or equivalent with these materials is ideal for a low carbon footprint across the life cycle of the property,” says Stephan.

Smart heating

In the remains of a coal mine in east Belgium is a laboratory which is experimenting on another potential solution for keeping carbon emissions down. This is the EnergyVille complex where Chris Caerts researches “smart” fixes to improve energy efficiency. He’s often asked, is intelligent technology the answer to emitting less carbon?

“Compared to having a boiler switched on all the time, a remote app which turns it off when it is not needed will appear revolutionary,” he says. “But a well-programmed ‘dumb’ thermostat could achieve near the same savings.”

“We need systems that work automatically and learn how to make the most of changeable energy such as wind and solar.” That might mean a hot water system that activates when it receives a strong signal from the solar panels, or even knows when to expect one.

In theory, an intelligent heating system should be able to make similar decisions on a daily basis, with information from regional wind and solar farms. Consumption could be timed when there is the greenest energy mix forecast.

For those with gas boilers, a smart thermostat which learns which rooms you use and when could also help to reduce your carbon footprint some, says Caerts.

While truly intelligent, flexible systems that adapt to the energy mix might still be some years away, a change in mentality can start now. The National Grid, for example, launched an app earlier this year which allows users to work out when the greenest time to use electricity is. One website even offered those taking up baking during the pandemic lockdown to decide the best time to crank up their ovens in order to have the least environmental impact.

“We need to be thinking about how we can steer consumption to maximally coincide with times in the day when the carbon intensity is the lowest,” adds Caerts.

With many of us likely to be spending more time in our homes this winter, it could make a big difference.

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